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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 13:01



热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 06:08

I have to give a speech today is the character, the king of pop music, Michael Joseph Jackson.

Two years before the summer, heavenly king Michael Jackson from the coast, the world, a thriller belong to the era of Michael also ends.

I love Michael, not because he luxuriant dance, not because it sounds of nature sort of voice, just because I saw a man as to the wind, a QianChenBuRan soul.

Once the Michael, by the world as a monster, but who would have thought that, the so-called monster, is just a simple big boy, his love life, advocating simple happiness, he propaganda to maintain world peace, hope that the human and the nature harmonious get along, his love of children, in all over the world to charity, that is what the world's eyes, this is the monster real Michael Jackson.

Some people say that he is god lost angel, and others said, he is the hero save the world, but to me, he is all of life.

Michael, like a child, like an angel is forever, like the head of Peter pan.

If the world is full of hatred, we still want to dare to look forward to, if the world is full of anger, we still want to dare to comfort, if the world is full of despair, we still want to dare to dream, if the world is full of surmised, we let dare to trust.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 06:09


热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 06:09


热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 06:10

题呢? ?

热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 06:11


热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 06:11

Chinese to English
英语 求翻译 汉译英

1客厅里有一个长沙发和一把扶手椅子 There is a couch and an armchair in the living room.2角落里有一些书籍 There is a few books in the corner.3这间屋子里没有壁炉 There is no fireplace in this room.4书房里有几个书架 There is a few bookshelves in the study.5车上有CD机吗?...


You see, the world of we don't believe anyone with any .


We are still very young, so we still have a long way of life.说明:小是说年龄小,所以用small是Chinese English,出洋相。同样,路还长也是指生活之路,不能笼统说。

汉译英求翻译: 他穿比我更多的衣服 爸爸叫我不要看电视 直到老师进来...

到了该起床的时候了 It's time to get up.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!


首先,我们需要打开汉译英在线翻译网站。可以在浏览器中输入“汉译英在线翻译”进行搜索,然后进入官方网站即可。二、输入要翻译的内容 在网站首页的输入框中,输入要翻译的汉语内容。可以是一句话、一段话,甚至是一篇文章。三、点击“翻译”按钮 在输入框下方,有一个“翻译”按钮,点击它即可开始翻译...

求翻译一句英语 汉译英

So,we should urge people to have organic ,healthy and cultural food ,which is good for humans,environment and the whole world.本人高三毕业生 望采纳


那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。It was a formal dinner, and I was wearing a dress for the mother to say to me.


It has been a word of mouth that you can never be a good designer if you fail to appreciate the life.对此我十分同意。For this, I couldn't agree more.我十分热爱生活,珍惜每一寸的光阴,享受每一天的朝阳。Showering in the rising sun every day, i must say i adore life and ...

汉译英 求翻译

ll be free next week.我将一直在这儿等到音乐会结束I will always be here until the end of the concert.我有一年多没有看电影了I have not seen a movie a year.听到这个消息我真太高兴了I'm so glad to hear that.我给了他忠告,而不是钱I gave him advice instead of money....


1.I just take 70yuan with me.2.Our money is not enough.3.Let's go somewhere else(or shops).4.You look very beautiful in this dress.5.You look quite ugly in this dress.

英译汉和汉译英 汉译英翻译方法 汉译英在线翻译 百度翻译在线翻译英语 汉译英 在线翻译免费 - 百度 汉译英在线翻译句子 中译英翻译百度 百度翻译在线翻译 有道翻译在线翻译拍照
河南旅游景点大全介绍排名 ...市市民办理因私出国去新加坡的护照怎么办理到哪里办理? 查询齐齐哈尔讷河市办理护照,陈秀华的护照什么时候下来 您好我是8月12日在黑龙江省讷河市办理的护照大概需要多上时间可以申请成... 沈阳娱乐在线影视天下,就是铁通的www.024game.com这个网站为什么上不... 好无聊,不是我没主动联系他们,而是他们不理我,全都无视我 为什么很多人很多时候都喜欢感叹:我好无聊啊! 好无聊,有没有人来给我发表情包的 15款宝马x1怎么播放usb音乐 为什么会有平安资管 盗墓笔记的杨样都拍过哪些电视剧 逗比先生之逗比老爸杨洋第几集 逗比的师傅应该叫什么 《太阳的后裔》有哪些小细节值得留意 逗比先生之逗比老爸 电视剧杨洋在哪一集上演 杨洋现在演的电视剧有 逗比先生 相对应的的情侣名,急求啊! 杨洋的演艺经历 小米是谁扮演的 洪小米结局如何最后跟肖凯在一起了吗 杨洋的介绍 逗比先生的英文 qq会员怎么补费升级成超级会员 PC怎么充值,QQ游戏大厅移动版是什么 都是充腾讯视频vip,但为什么在微信服务通知里两次的图标却不一样?你们有谁有这情况吗? 话费充Q币用什么软件 无法打开腾讯充值中心为啥啊 涓轰粈涔堟坠链鸿繛涓妛ifi浜嗙敤镌€鐢ㄧ潃灏辨柇缃戜简锻360闂瓟 在重庆怎么用话费充q币 电脑版qq怎么充值 电脑上怎样充Q币? 钱塘传奇上花幺幺的扮演者是谁 隋唐英雄传中杨洋扮演谁 乾隆那些事演员表花夭夭是谁演的 有男人味的网名 演《旋风少女》的扬洋插演过哪些戏? word中如何让表格及其中的文字同时旋转? 怎么把在word中的文字和表格翻转 word表格如何与文字同时移动 word表格和文字是旋转的怎么转回来 用word做了表格字和表格不能在动, 怎样实现word表格与文字的混排? word文字里和表格一起 word文字和表格在一行 word中怎么样能将表格外的文字与表格上下边缘紧贴 word 文字与WORD表格如何合并 word文档如何使小表格与文字在同一行显示 word中怎么让文字和表格整体旋转90度 红辣椒和黄辣椒有什么区别? 离婚协议是否能将财产写给孩子 离婚协议能将财产写给孩子吗