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在report中, executive summary 和introduction 有什么区别

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-07 00:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 03:57

executive summary是对整篇report的总结,主要写你的研究内容,研究对象,研究目的,研究意义等等,introction部分相当于一个background ,而不是概括report的内容

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 03:57

答案:executive summary:执行总结,意思是将上文中的内容进行简单的,可执行性的概括。introction:简介,意思是对本文的内容和背景进行简单的介绍,以引出后文。
举个例子说明,一般写一个business proposal(商业提案)的时候,introction只是简单介绍一下将要推出的产品或服务是干什么的;而executive summary要把business plan(商业计划)中的每一个模块都要简单概括一下,尤其是financial projections(财务预算).

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 03:58

executive summary:执行摘要 introction:课题研究简介,开场白

introction |ˌintrəˈdək sh ən|
1 the bringing of a proct, measure, concept, etc., into use or operation for the first time : issues arising from the introction of new technology.
• the action of bringing a new plant, animal, or disease to a place : the introction of muskrats into central Europe.
• a thing, such as a proct, measure, plant, etc., newly brought in : these grains are valuable introctions from Sweden.
2 (often introctions) a formal presentation of one person to another, in which each is told the other's name : he returned to his desk, leaving Michael to make the introctions | a letter of introction.
3 a thing preliminary to something else : your talk will need an introction that states clearly what you are talking about and why.
• an explanatory section at the beginning of a book, report, etc.
• a preliminary section in a piece of music, often thematically different from the main section.
• a book or course of study intended to introce a subject to a person : it is a simple introction to Euclidean geometry.
• [in sing. ] a person's first experience of a subject or thing : my introction to drama was through an amateur dramatic society.
ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin introctio(n-), from the verb introcere (see introce ).
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