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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-05 23:20



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 11:03

Telephone remote-controlling which is used as a new subject compared with normal remote-controlling way has some advantages.It needs no specialized wiring, and doesn't occupy radio frequency resources and avoid electromagnetic pollution. At the same time, because of telephone lines throughout the network can take full advantage of the existing telephone network, remote provinces away from the city may even cover across countries. Telephone is a double communication. Therefore, this can greatly demonstrate the use of a remote-controlled telephone and its greater superiority.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 11:04

The telephone remote control took a newer topic and the conventional
remote control way compares, demonstrated the certain superiority,
does not have to carry on the special wiring, does not take the radio
frequency resources, has avoided the electromagnetism pollution. At
the same time, as a result of the telephone channel each place
networking, may fully use the existing telephone network, therefore
the remote control distance may step the provinces and cities, even
surmounts the country. The telephone is the diplex operation method.
Therefore, this may greatly manifest carries on the remote control
using the telephone a bigger superiority.
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