发布时间:2022-07-08 06:39
时间:2023-05-04 20:34
鼠 幽默,乐观,可爱,迷人。肖鼠的人交际手腕佳,不过内心激动,易猜疑,而且挑剔。
Humorous, optimistic, lovely, charming. Shaw rat of finesse, but the heart excited, suspicion, and selective.
牛 勤奋,刻苦耐劳,有毅力,肯牺牲。善良,不过保守,固执,并且容易暴 怒。
Diligence, hard work, perseverance, willing to sacrifice. Good, but conservative, stubborn, and easy to suddenly and violently angry.
虎 热情,勇敢,自信心强。不过,勇而好斗,莽于行事,相当反叛。
Tiger enthusiasm, brave, strong self-confidence. However, brave and aggressive, mang in acting, rather rebellious.
兔 灵巧,机警,好客,艺术气质浓。唯于过自傲,喜故弄虚玄,胆小且懦弱。
Rabbit dexterity, alert, hospitality, artistic temperament. So get achievement statistics.the out-of-order activities only in pride, xi, timid and cowardly.
龙 精明,勇敢,有朝气,有自信。不过太任性,过于自大,并且性格急躁。
Dragon smart, brave, smart, confident. But too wayward, too arrogant, and irritable.
蛇 判断力强,智慧高,分析能力强。不过好夸张,慕虚名。
The snake good sense, high intelligence, strong analysis ability. But good hyperbole, longed for a false reputation.
马 坦率大方,友善,乐观,能言善变。唯太自私,急躁且欠缺耐性。
Honest and generous, friendly, optimistic, can earnestness. So selfish, impatient and lack of patience.
羊 高贵,大方,艺术气质浓。不过颇为主观,兼且敏感。
Sheep noble, generous, artistic temperament. But is subjective, and sensitive.
猴 好动,灵活,亲切,聪明。可是主观,固执,敏感并且视财如命。
Monkey and active, flexible, friendly and intelligent. But subjective, stubborn, sensitive and inspect goods such as life.
鸡 好学,诚实,坦率,待人处事宽容。不过欠缺耐性,并且很爱慕虚。
Chickens, studious, honest, frank, sociable way to forgive. But lack of patience and adore.
狗 老实,忠厚,慷慨,大方,恩怨分明。不过时常情绪起伏不定,颇为消极。
Dog honesty and faithfulness, generous, generous, grievances. But often emotional ups and downs, is negative.
猪 友善,好学,富同情心,乐以助人。不过稍懒散,凡事逆来顺受。
Pig friendly, studious, compassionate, and am ready to help others. But a little lazy, always roll with the punches.