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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-07 06:24



热心网友 时间:2023-05-20 07:03

英文 《长腿叔叔》 内容简介

Jerusha Abbott was brought up at the John Grier Home, an old-fashioned orphanage. The children were wholly dependent on charity and had to wear other people's cast-off clothes. Jerusha's unusual first name was selected by the matron off a grave stone, while her surname was selected out of the phone book. At the age of 18, she has finished her ecation and is at loose ends, still working in the dormitories at the institution where she was brought up.

One day, after the asylum's trustees have made their monthly visit, Jerusha is informed by the asylum's dour matron that one of the trustees has offered to pay her way through college. He has spoken to her former teachers and thinks she has potential to become an excellent writer. He will pay her tuition and also give her a generous monthly allowance. Jerusha must write him a monthly letter, because he believes that letter-writing is important to the development of a writer. However, she will never know his identity; she must address the letters to Mr. John Smith, and he will never reply.

Jerusha catches a glimpse of the shadow of her benefactor from the back, and knows he is a tall long-legged man. Because of this, she jokingly calls him "Daddy Long-Legs." She attends a women's college, but the name and location are never identified; however, men from Princeton University are frequently mentioned as dates, so it is certainly on the East Coast. The college is almost certainly based on the author's alma mater, Vassar College, judging from college traditions mentioned. She illustrates her letters with childlike line drawings, also created by Jean Webster.

The book chronicles Jerusha's ecational, personal, and social growth. One of the first things she does at college is to change her name to "Judy." She designs a rigorous reading program for herself and struggles to gain the basic cultural knowledge to which she, growing up in the bleak environment of the orphan asylum, was never exposed. While she is at college, she becomes acquainted with Jervis Pendleton, the wealthy uncle of one of her classmates, and they become increasingly attached to each other, but her shame and embarrassment at her humble origins lead her to reject his marriage proposal despite her love for him. Unhappy and depressed, she turns to "Daddy Long-Legs" for advice.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-20 07:04

我爱我校征文800字 建行聚财宝少一万时5小时内补上会怎样 咪哩乡文化教育 咪哩乡基础设施 咪哩村云南省玉溪市元江县咪哩乡咪哩村 咪哩乡历史文化 元江咪哩中心小学怎么样? 原神 原神胡桃进阶材料是什么? 原神 原神呢胡桃材料有哪些? 原神 原神胡桃的突破材料是什么? 谁知道"我的长腿叔叔"的作者是谁 在供应链管理环境下,你如何看待地摊经济? 四季桂和金桂哪个贵 孕晚期可以吃榴莲不 光大银行深套,损失惨重 北京的深发展和光大银行哪个更好,特别是员工的待遇方面?谢谢大家 在光大银行用柜面通将钱存入深发展银行的卡里,要收多少钱?? 光大银行和深发展银行的起薪大约是多少呀? 光大银行 深发展黄金投资 怎么投资黄金? 光大银行与深圳发展银行的竞争中,深发展设计了一个活动策划,说明了什么? 梦见灶台里的灰掏空火燃不起来 梦见一男人睡在空灶内,上半身在灶外? 梦见空灶着火,取井水灭火,取好几次井水,啥意思 得了帕金森怎么办? 微信充话费充错了号码我需要退款吗? 江西哪所专科学校会计专业好 我的信用卡说23号寄来怎么还没收到? 赤道仪有什作用 天文望远镜中的赤道仪的作用及用法 天文望远镜上的赤道仪有什么用? 我的长腿叔叔前几年因为意外死了,我很爱他,6年过去了,我还是想他,想他,怎么办? 谁能把<长腿叔叔TXT发给我啊 光束孔径角2U怎么求 光学系统的渐晕现象 灵寿高新企业有补助吗? 柬埔寨手机卡锁了怎么解锁 黑龙江省伊春市是属于有风险地区吗是属于哪个省高风险地区低风险地区还是属于?_问一问 作文题目是:《我终于成功了》 喜欢把东西各种藏起来是什么心理? 藏了一件东西,意思是有机会还要拿出来吗? 怎么把文件藏起来,不给人看见??? 工程竣工资料印章的颜色怎么有的是红色有的是黑色的,有什么区别吗?国家规定是怎样的? 办公大楼竣工室内竣工资料上面,那些地方盖公章,那些是项目章?应该怎么盖? 智能收款助手上面怎么绑定设备- 问一问 早餐店炒面炒好怎样保温而不糊不粘底? 安全标语20字 哪位说说雨果悲惨世界的艺术特色有哪些? 杏花岭区哪能办健康证? 太原杏花岭区的健康证应该去哪办? 杏花岭区哪能办健康证