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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-09 01:58



热心网友 时间:2022-07-13 21:06

Mobile phone is a double-edged sword.Indeed,the mobile phone is useful tool for many peoples.And i also like use it.It can help anybody to communicate in any time in any places.But when anyone always using the mobile phone all is bad for their health.So the first thing to buy mobile phone is to should use it in essential time. At the same time,its function is along with the technology develop widely and rapidly developing. People can use it to call friends to go outside and play or play games and watch television and so on.So now the mobile phone functions is very affluently.When you visit park you can take a photo by it .When you boring,you can read E-book by it.When you tired you can listen light music by it.You even can use it to buy something and do business.In a word,the mobile phone function is all-powerful. But the mobile phone radiation is very strong,so you must be careful to use it.The essential thing is to know to make sure use mobile phone times in control for your good health.However this is likely to be achieve the non-radiative mobile phone will be designed out.We all desiring this one day will come.So,i think mobile is useful for most of people.I like mobile phone, i think the future of the mobile phone will be better.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-13 21:06

the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones
the merits and demerits of mobile phones

热心网友 时间:2022-07-13 21:07

advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone
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