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埃德加-《你的姓名》的诗: 你的姓来自生身父母 我们快乐地将它相赠 这是我们最好的礼物 的教案

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-14 02:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 12:50

埃德加 艾 盖斯特英文为Edgar Albert Guest
After he began at the Detroit Free Press as a copy boy and then a reporter, his first poem appeared December 11, 1898. He became a naturalized citizen in 1902. For 40 years, Guest was widely read throughout North America, and his sentimental, optimistic poems were in the same vein as the light verse of Nick Kenny, who wrote syndicated columns ring the same decades.

From his first published work in the Detroit Free Press until his death in 1959, Guest penned some 11,000 poems which were syndicated in some 300 newspapers and collected in more than 20 books, including A Heap o' Livin' (1916) and Just Folks (1917). Guest was made Poet Laureate of Michigan, the only poet to have been awarded the title. His popularity led to a weekly Detroit radio show which he hosted from 1931 until 1942, followed by a 1951 NBC television series, A Guest in Your Home.
A Dozen New Poems (1920)
A Heap o' Livin' (1916)
All That Matters (1922)
All in a Lifetime (1938)
Between You and Me: My Philosophy of Life (1938)
Collected Verse of Edgar Guest (1934)
Faith (1932)
Harbor Lights of Home (1928)
Home Rhymes, from Breakfast Table Chat (1909)
Just Folks (1917)
Just Glad Tidings (1916)
Life's Highway (1933)
Living the Years (1949)
Mother (1925)
Over Here (1918)
Poems for the Home Folks (1930)
Rhymes of Childhood (1928)
Sunny Songs (1920)
The Friendly Way (1931)
The Light of Faith (1926)
The Passing Throng (1923)
The Path to Home (1919)
Today and Tomorrow (1942)
When Day Is Done (1921)
You (1927)
You got it from your father,
t'was the best he had to give,
And right gladly he bestowed it
It's yours, the while you live.

You may lose the watch he gave you
and another you may claim,
But remember, when you're tempted,
to be careful of his name.

It was fair the day you got it,
and a worthy name to bear,
When he took it from his father
there was no dishonor there.

Through the years he proudly wore it,
to his father he was true,
And that name was clean and spotless
when he passed it on to you.

Oh there's much that he has given
that he values not at all,
He has watched you break your playthings
in the days when you were small.

You have lost the knife he gave you
and you've scattered many a game,
But you'll never hurt your father
if you're careful with his name.

It is yours to wear forever,
yours to wear the while you live,
Yours, perhaps some distant morn,
another boy to give.

And you'll smile as did your father,
with a smile that all can share,
If a clean name and a good name
you are giving him to wear.

- Edgar A. Guest
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