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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 05:30



热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 06:59

today is my best friend - nicks birthday. me and my buddies had all sort of things prepared. first thing in the morning, we woke him up with the music of his favorite band - My Chemical Romance. he was extremely surprised. after breakfast we went to the city together and did some shopping. after our lunch at McDonald, we went to the concert for My Chemical Romance, the band really rocks! four hours later, we went out of the concert hall, feeling good and a bit dizzy, and head out to dinner in a nice Chinese restaurant. after dinner we went to the disco, and danced so hard that i feel the world is going to end. at midnight twelve o clock, we brings out the birthday cake and sang happy birthday to Nick. He said he had the best day of his life!

热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 08:17

Today is a sunny day.I got up early,because my family would go to zoo.we got zoo at 9:00,there were many people,and they were happy.we looked monkeys first,Monkeys are small with big eyes.Then,we looked a tiger,tiger is so big that we left fast.Next,we saw a dolphin show.The dolphin is very cute and friendly.It's my favorite animal.when we got home,it's5:00pm.We were tired but happy.My sister and I want to go the zoo again!It's so exciting and interesting!追问内容意思是什么?

热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 09:52

获取oracle中表的表结构、约束和索引信息 若3的x次方等于二十七分之一,则3的负x次方 若x的2x-1次方=1,则x=多少。若3的x次方=27分之1,则x=多少 3的x次方=1/81,x=? ...为什么?。。。若3的x次方等于81分之一,则x等于什么??急 语文句子成分分析详解 初三英语,关于被动语态 级品飞车lo如何下载? 极品飞车全球在线(nfsol)现在可以在大陆玩么?内测完毕了?听说要个登... ...一个星期不理我了怎么办,电话也不接信息也不回,问她是不是有男人了... 新注册没加好友,登陆需要好友验证怎么办 梦见初升的太阳被云遮住一点 单相电机反转情况下螺丝会不会松动? 茶叶是不是越久越好? 电机是反转,紧固螺丝是什么扣? 洗衣机反转螺丝 洗衣机内筒里面那中间那个十字螺丝是反转的是正正的拧松小天鹅洗衣机_百度问一问 有关于长江的诗句,至少3句 开启高分屏支持啥意思 流量包300M和2GB哪个多? 10GB流量多还是2.41GB多 2mB和2Gb哪个大? 修复胃粘膜应多吃哪些食物?为什么? 有哪些关于长江的诗句? 天涯明月刀 有练习的地方吗 天涯明月刀训练假人在哪 笔记本电脑买了20多天,电池损耗9%正常吗? 新买的笔记本电池损耗极高,刚买7天损耗8%,正常吗? 我的笔记本才用了不到1个月电池损耗8%正常吗 申银万国和华泰证券哪个好? 《晏子使楚》讲述的是()的故事。 拓朴TOPOTO拖把桶踩下去弹不回怎么修理 oppo手机怎样读取u盘? 离婚后结婚证还有用吗?应该怎么处理? 四年级上册英语对话作文100字 拘留15天是犯了什么事 为什么更改手机号不能更改? 九月九日忆山东兄弟诗中直抒胸臆的句子是哪句 九月九日忆山东兄弟一诗中直接抒发思乡思亲之情的诗句是 《九月九日忆山东兄弟》诗中流传千古的思乡名句是什么 《九月九日忆山东兄弟》的诗句是哪几句. 怎样用银行卡缴费 银行卡交费与银行卡直充的区别? 研究方向中的“学术型”和“应用型”? 偶尔一夜不睡觉对人的危害大吗 人一夜不睡会怎么样? 一夜不睡对身体有什么伤害吗? 一天一夜不睡觉对身体好吗? 一天一夜不睡觉危害多大 车辆防滑灯行驶中一直亮,熄火后再重启东行驶就不亮了?