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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 09:16



热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 00:56

企业精神:追求卓越 奉献社会
The corpration spirit: chasing the greatest, do good to the society
The corpration wish: make more customers have the services that made by our love and sincerity
The corporation target: do excellent and professional telecommunication value-add service operator
经营理念:诚心创新 协作共赢
The service thoery: honest,creative,win-win, and cooperative
核心价值观:以协作打造团队 以创新推动创造 以行动实现目标 以共赢实现发展
The core value: make TEAM with cooperation, make advancement with creation, get the target with action, make development with win-win solution

热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 00:56

Entrepreneurial spirit : the pursuit of excellence contributing to society

Company vision : to enable more users to enjoy our sincere love and create a perfect service

Company mission : outstanding professional value-added telecommunications business operators

Operating principles : sincere cooperation and win-win innovation

Core values : to create collaborative team to create an innovation-driven action to achieve its objectives to achieve win-win development

热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 00:57

Entrepreneurial spirit : the pursuit of excellence dedicated social vision of the company : allow more users to enjoy our sincere love and create a perfect service company mission : outstanding professional value-added telecommunications business operators operating principles : innovation sincere cooperation and win-win results of core values : create a collaborative team to create an innovation-driven action to achieve its objectives to achieve win-win development

热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 00:57

The corpration spirit: chasing the greatest, do good to the society
The corpration wish: make more customers have the services that made by our love and sincerity
The corporation target: do excellent and professional telecommunication value-add service operator
The service thoery: honest,creative,win-win, and cooperative
The core value: make TEAM with cooperation, make advancement with creation, get the target with action, make development with win-win solution
求大神帮忙翻译成英文,急用啊!!! Monica Geller 是一个厨师,她

Monica Geller 是一个厨师,她像是妈妈般的照顾大家,爱管闲事,让她成为大家的支柱。Monica Geller is a chef,she looks like a mother to take care of everyone,nosy,let her become a pillar of everyone.Rachel Greene 未经世事的医家千金小姐,生活上的大白痴。Rachel Greene without the docto...


Everybody is good, I was playing Maria, sister Maria is a cheerful, enthusiastic girl. She loved to sing, love to dance, but also very fond of nature fresh, quiet and beautiful. Not only that, more important is she able to infect others, bring happiness to others.船长:The ...


with King of the despot, known as the king of dogs, Tibetan mastiff has become a symbol of security and wealth.


我的 跪求大神翻译下图文字,翻译成英文,不要有道等词典翻译的,着急!!!在线等!!!谢谢!!! 15  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 生活中有哪些成瘾食物? @ 2015-05-26 知道答主 回答量:12 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:9928 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 追答 自己看图 已赞过 已踩过< 你对...


回答:在下不清楚到底怎么翻译人名,晴儿,尔康和永琪,就暂时拼音了啊。老佛爷(太后)我也就用直译,听起来很怪,但是我不知道你这段东西的前因后果,所以我没法替你选择称谓的翻译。自己改吧。 Emperor's mother:"Qinger, don't worry about it. Your trobles have always been on my heart." ...


他之前的好会在你眼中不断放大 His being nice would be expanded in your eyes 他对她造成的伤害将永远不能弥补 The hurt he ever made on her can never be repaired.你对他将永远充满愧疚 You will perpetually feel guilty for him.


601, Building 198, West of Jia Zhou Shui Jun, Changyang, Fangshan district, Beijing 102445,P.R.China 保险起见,让你朋友把中文地址也附上(最好把手机号也附上),挂号信到中国后都转中国邮政,工作人员能看懂中文。


What do you mean?你到底想怎样?When you nod your head yes 当你不停点头同意时 But you wanna say no 而内心是拒绝的 What do you mean?你到底想怎样?When you don't want me to move 你明明想要留住我的心 But you tell me to go 却要我离开 What do you mean?你到底想怎样?What...


You are not only not helping me, but hurting me!


但是没反应(try to do)The musical teacher tries to strike the keyboard ,but no response is obtained昨天他说的话令我很震惊(shock)What he said yesterday shocked me greatly !英语 translate 为动词,translation为名词。而另一个词是interpret,它的意思是“解释,说明;口译;翻译”。

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