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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-09 16:00



热心网友 时间:2024-06-20 22:09

1, in accordance with the requirements of ”Product Design and Development Control Procedures“
on the design output, the development documents and process documents about memory alloy biliary stent are reviewed, and whether the relevant documents of them meet the requirements for the design output which is required in
current ”Product Design and Development Control Procedures“are checked. Furthermore the content which is not met the requirements are technically reviewed.
2, Due to the development time is early, the review records of the design drawings and process files were not retained. Since the production of the product, the product process and structure have not been changed significantly. the review and approval of the design drawings and work instructions change review and approval were carried out in accordance with the requirements of ”Product Design and Development Control Procedures“So the technical review has not been carried out.
3, The”Product Design and Development Control Procedures“ was modified. The time of design review is improved, and the train about the related content in the”Product Design and Development Control Procedures“ was strengthened. Schedule: 2015.5.18
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