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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-08 22:43



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 07:32

  "Oh, the疼死!" Fuck finished, the students kept talking softly. Since yesterday, physical ecation teachers on the "devil training" Everyone all酸胀leg muscles. Now after more are aching * Hard, weak legs.

  Teacher Lu see us, his face showed the slightest concern about the smile, graciously told us that: "Student's leg is not numb you?" "Ah yes!疼死啦... ..." We have more to suffer badly. Teacher Lu smiled: "you told one of the most simple and fastest way to eliminate pain!" "What?" Everyone can not wait to diagonally on your body, put a long, erect ears,瞧那样儿like to find out at what martial arts-like tips. "Your right hand and left-handed hard to beat under one hundred, we can eliminate the pain." After listening to this sentence to the spirit we all of a sudden, who do not want to immediately lift the pain, become active again as soon as possible, subject to this crime it useless! Us a trial of strength with the left flap of the right hand, was also quietly a few of several children, all shot red palms, but we have refrained. Whole playground on our nerves like a group of people clapping at the other classmates voted to give us a strange look, even though we felt uncomfortable, but as long as this bloody pain to remove, and then hard to tolerate, I The heart also feels so sweet! Finally to one hundred, I tried to squat a little, can still sore. But just take a long time ago now seems all uncomfortable with the whole body. Chen Jing Zhong then cried: "It seems true好了些is also有点酸left foot." Teacher Lu laughed, and said: "I wish everyone Happiness Fool's Day!" "Ah?! Ah?!!" We个闷葫芦like being ripped up a similar exclaimed, as if nothing had happened to Miss Teacher but walked away. We left there at mbfounding, with a pair of miserable.

  Since being fooled about Teacher Lu, the third lesson we have been put prospective belly full of "injustice" Teacher Yu pass. Everyone agreed to chalk, eraser hide, so that poor school Teacher Yu. Just ring上课铃, Yu Teacher on the angry face and walked in, turned chalk wanted to write, can not find, on the solemn and told us that: "There is no chalk bad school, it is better to test it today on we!"妈呀, teachers will not you! We have not one word review, and now the Examination? ! We put one scared the whole thing she forgot half. Mrs Yang Yu quickly give up chalk Teacher said: "We still classes you!" To see the U.S. suffering a pair of helpless expression Teacher "扑哧" A laughed: "I wish everyone Happiness Fool's Day!今儿not test!" "ah ?!!!" never thought we were fooled about.

  Today is the Fool's Day, how do we no longer remember it?
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