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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 10:07



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 02:19

Take your places
Can we fix it
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley too
Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun
Working together, they get the job done
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Time to get busy, such a lot to do
Building and fixing till it's good as new
Bob and the gang make a really good sound
Working all day till the sun goes down
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
It's a perfect job
Can you fix it
Left a bit, right a little, O.K. straight down
We can tackle any situation
Look out, here we come
Can we dig it Yes
Can we build it Yes
Can we fix it Yes
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
Digging and mixing, having so much fun
Working together, they get the job done
Can we dig it Yes
Can we build it Yes
Can we fix it Yes
Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder
All together now
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder (Bob... Fantastic)
Yes, we can
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can
We'd better get some work done

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 02:20

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