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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 10:23



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 14:47

1 Only struggle for my future.
2 Only for you, my origin to fight;
only for you, my persistence to fight;
only for you, my all to fight.
3 I'd flip a coin. If it faces upward, I'll go and chat on QQ. Otherwise, I'll go to play network game. And if it stands uprightly, I'll go to do my study.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 14:47

1 just struggle for my future
2 cuz of u i'd like to struggle
and it's u I‘ll insist on it
so i exert myself all for u
3 let me flip a coin
if it's the head I'll go on QQing
if it's the tail I'll start a new game
and i promise I'll study if it stands

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 14:48

1: Fight just for my own future.

2: I will fight for you, keep fighting for you, and fight my best for you!

3: Let me toss for it:
If it’s a face up, I’ll go chatting on QQ;
if it’s a face down, I’ll go playing computer games;
and should it stand on the desk, I’ll see to my schoolwork.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 14:48

1.I struggle just for my future
2.Because of you, I would like to fight. Because of you, I insist on fighting. Because of you, I make every effort to fight
3.Let me cast a coin:
If the face up, I would like to chat on line.
If the reverse side face up, Iwould like to play games online.
If it stand on the table, I would like to learn.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 14:49

1: Only for my next fight

2: Because of you, I would like to fight. Because of you, I insist on fighting. Because of you, I do everything hard.

3: Let me cast a coin: if face up,

I'll chat with QQ.

If the reverse side facing up,
I'll play online games. If you stand on the table,

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 14:50

1.Just struggle for my future.
2.Because of you,I'm willing to sturggle.Again because of you,I stick to sturggle.Still because of you,I spare no efforts to sturggle.
3.Let me to drop a coin.
If the positive upward,I will go to chat on QQ.
If the opposite upward,I will go to play online games.
If neither of the two sides, I will go to study.

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