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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 10:23



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 09:01


●艺名 仓木* (Mai Kuraki)
●本名 青野真衣(Mai Aono)( まい あおの)
●英文名 Mai Kuraki
●别名 *ちゃん、Mai-K、マイマイ(MaiMai)、クッキー(“Kuraki”的爱称“Ku.Ki-”)
●星座 天蝎座
●血型 B型
●出生地 千叶县
●出生日期 1982年10月28日
●学校 立命馆大学(2001年4月入学,2005年3月毕业)产业社会学部 产业社会学科
●兴趣 绘画、电影、音乐、制作饰品、写信
●尊敬的人 父母(有争议)
●家庭成员 父亲:山前 五十洋 母亲:青野 公子 哥哥:青野 拓也
●宠物 キャスパー(博德牧羊犬)、ライス(仓鼠)
●重要的事 朋友、时间、学校生活、家族、八音盒
●自我流行 芳香按摩、印度料理、火锅、搜寻地方特产、矿物泥负离子机
●所属公司 1999年至2007年5月GIZA Studio 2007年5月至今Northern Music
●事务所 LOOP
●喜欢的词语 “Let it be(成せば成る)” (nasebanaru) 顺其自然,只要努力就会成功
●喜欢的颜色 红色、粉色、橙色、白色、黑色等
●喜欢的植物 扶桑花
●喜欢的动物 狗、猫、熊猫、仓鼠、马
●喜欢的饰品 质朴的银质饰品
●喜欢的画家 CHRISTIAN RIESE LASSEN(克里斯蒂安·来易斯·拉森)
●喜欢的书籍 夏目漱石“こころ”(心)
●喜欢的漫画 青山刚昌“名探侦コナン”(名侦探柯南)
●喜欢的游戏 格斗游戏
●喜欢的演员 成龙、Meg Ryan(梅格·瑞恩) 、Johnny Depp(强尼·戴普)
●喜欢的运动 游泳,滑雪,保龄球,喜欢运动会上*响后紧张的飞快短跑,百米栏获得过冠军,喜欢观看篮球和网球
●喜欢的食物 水果、意大利面、玉米沙拉、纳豆、西瓜、豆面酱煮鲭鱼 、柚子
●得意的料理 饭团、豆面酱汁
●喜欢的音乐 R&B
●喜欢的歌手 洋乐-迈克尔·杰克逊、劳伦·希尔、惠特妮·休斯顿、后街男孩、夏奇拉,邦乐-久保田利伸
●最喜欢的歌是 La La La Love Song(久保田利伸),美梦成真(买的第一张cd)
●关于作词 常在夜晚或者一个人的时候写
●关于唱歌 录音前一边运动身体一边喝自备的饮料
●接触音乐的动机 在小学高年级时看了迈克尔·杰克逊所主演的电影开始,到后来看惠特妮·休斯顿的mv、live,感到“我也想成为这样的歌手”,于是对西洋音乐产生极大的兴趣。
●美国出道的单曲 Baby I Like
●日本出道的单曲 Love,Day After Tomorrow
●1999年10月,当她还只得16岁的时候已经在美国出道,推出首张CD [BABY I LIKE],以[外国输入盘]的形式在日本发售,旋即抢购一空,跟着以一曲[Love,Day after tomorrow]在日本出道,声名大噪,接着她的名字便开始经常出现在各音乐杂志及Oricon榜的至Top位置。
●首张CD她已能在波士顿有名的Cybersound灌录,更请来很多有名的音乐人合作,如Larry Thomas, Cybersound的掌舵人等。*自小学高年级的时候看过Michael Jackson和Whitney Housten的表演后便喜欢上了英美音乐,并希望能成为这样的歌手。美国著名音乐人Mark Kamins听过[Baby I like]的Demo Tape后,对她大为赞赏,并为她请来很多著名DJ,制作了黑胶混音唱片[Baby I like REMIXS].
●仓木*的第二张CD[Love,Day after tomorrow]成了她在日本的出道作,她的歌曲全是由自己填词的,歌词令人产生共鸣,她的音乐风格同时带有R&B和JPop的味道,歌声有着透彻的感觉,因多方面和宇多田光相似,所以被喻为第二个宇多田光。
●仓木*是1999年12月发行首张单曲「Love, Day After Tomorrow」而现身歌坛。刚发片时完全没有任合Tight-Up,外界也不认为她有进榜或是造成热烈回响的机会;孰知从发片前后开始,全国的FM电台在播放仓木*的「Love, Day After Tomorrow」时,不断出现:「是谁的歌?」的询问反应,这种声浪由起初的小声音逐渐变成大波动。3个月后,仓木*维持稳定的单曲成绩一举跃到第2名,销售突破127万张!外界一致公认仓木*是拥有良好的音质、歌唱实力坚强的长卖型歌手。没有明星架势的她感觉不同于一般艺人,有的只是纯洁、透明的歌唱实力。
●从此备受外界看好的仓木*,第2支单曲「Stay By My Side」果然一登场即抢下排行榜第1名,和前张单曲一样成为长卖型的歌曲。从不曝光的仓木*自然成为外界关心、好奇的对象,诸如:「仓木*是谁呀?」、「她是个什么样的人啊?」.....之类的问号此起彼落。而这些人的之所以关心、好奇,完全是因为喜欢她的歌所致,这也是仓木*最强的地方。
●疯狂英语06.3期上的介绍 平城歌姬仓木* She is one of the hottest young singers from Japan and her name is Mai Kuraki(also known as Mai-K to her fans). Kuraki wanted to be a singer ever since she saw a movie about Michael Jackson’s life and watched Whitney Houston’s concert videos. Around her second year in junior high school, she began making demo tapes, hoping that she would get a record deal. Her chance to sing came while she was in junior high school. A member of staff from her current label, GIZA Studio caught her fresh talent and immediately sent her to Cybersound Studio Boston(波士顿) to record her US debut single, “Baby I Like” under the pseudonym “Mai-K” which eventually became her nickname. The studio staff were so impressed with her vocals that they encouraged her to go back to Japan and record. With this early success under her belt, she released her Japanese debut single, “Love, Day After Tomorrow”, which charted as high as NO.2, and broke sales records for longest selling singles, shifting 1.3 million copies. Since her debut at sixteen, her singles and albums have never failed to chart in top three. Despite Kuraki’s infrequent TV and magazine appearances, she has a very large fan base and is often compared to Utada Hikaru(宇多田光) because of their similar R&B styles. On March21, 2005, Kuraki graated from Ritsumeikan University(立命馆大学) in Kyoto where she studied modern culture and society.

ⅰ 动画片
《Secret of my heart》 名侦探柯南 180话~204话 04th ed
《Start in my life》 名侦探柯南 219话~232话 06th ed
《ALways》 名侦探柯南 306话~332话 07th ed & 剧场版《朝向天国的倒计时》
《Winter Bells》 名侦探柯南 259话~270话 09th op
《Time after time ~花舞う街で~》 名侦探柯南 剧场版《迷宫的十字路》
《风のららら(风的啦啦啦)》 名侦探柯南 306话~332话 11th op
《Growing of my heart》 名侦探柯南 415话~424话 15th op
《白い雪》 名侦探柯南 459话~470话 26th ed
注:曾经出现在名侦探柯南动画版第238集-大阪3K事件(上集),漫画版Vol29 FILE.9-FILE.11中

ⅱ 电视剧
《Perfect Crime》 朝日电视台连续剧《为了热情生存的杀人(又名:狂野女人心)》主题曲
《Can't forget your love》 朝日电视台连续剧《为了热情生存的杀人》插曲
《Like a star in the night》 朝日电视台连续剧《暗夜天使》主题曲
《ベスト オブ ヒーロー(Best of Hero)》 TBS连续剧《ガチバカ!(认真的笨蛋 又译:格斗教师)》主题曲
《season of love》朝日电视剧《京都迷宫内案》主题曲

ⅲ 小说剧
《Reach for the sky》 NHK晨间小说剧“Audrey”主题曲

ⅳ 连续剧
《明日へ架ける桥(通往明天的桥梁)》 NHK综合台23时连续剧主题曲

ⅴ 广告曲
《Feel fine!》 资生堂 2002
《Kiss》 资生堂 2003
《If I Believe》 资生堂 2003
《Top Of The World》(翻唱) LION「香りつづくトップ」2008

ⅵ 游戏主题曲
《Key to my heart》 《宿命传说2》主题曲
《Silent love~open my heart~》[天堂II]主题曲

ⅶ 体育比赛
《RIDE ON TIME》第20回全日本大学女子校际接力长跑比赛选手权大赛主题曲
《SAME》 Sponichi创刊55周年“FamilyMart Dream Match”主题曲
《Born to be free》 2007年A3冠军杯赛主题曲

ⅷ 与他人合作
《What can I do》 Michael Africk with Mai-K 日韩共同制作的动画片“パタパタ飞行船の冒険” 片尾曲《To night I feel close to you》&《My story your song》与孙燕姿(Yanzi)*合作 Compilation Album《
GIZA studio MAI-K & FRIENDS HOTROD BEACH PARTY》&《GIZA studio R&B RESPECT vol.1 ~six sisters selection~》与GIZA studio的歌手合作

Ⅸ 翻唱歌曲
《EXPERIENCE》 1st Maxi Single中 I JUST CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU(原:Michael Jackson)
《EXPERIENCE》 1st Album中 REMEMBER THE TIME(原:Michael Jackson)

2007年6月16日赴台与罗志祥搭档担任颁奖嘉宾,并演唱“secret of my heart”刚结束为期8个月的LIVE巡回演唱会,仓木*今天台、日同步推出第四张新专辑《If I Believe》,专辑中收录她与孙燕姿的合作曲《Tonight,I fell close to you》,仓木*接受台湾媒体的fax interview,谈到她们合作的趣事及身为大学生歌手的心境。 仓木*回忆初次和孙燕姿见面,“她给人很爽朗亲切的感觉,感觉上她很轻松、快乐地做著音乐。”两人的合作曲是由仓木*作词,“我希望拥有不同文化的两个人,如果能藉由共同合作一件作品,而让双方互相有新的灵感启发的话,那就太好了,我是基于这样的心情作词的。” 在拍摄合作曲 MTV 的过程中,仓木*说她和孙燕姿不止谈音乐,也谈了些个人方面的事,“我们也互相教对方说日文及中文,非常有趣,同时用中文、日文、英文3国语言交谈,这还是第一次呢,让我印象很深刻。” 仓木*进入立命馆大学就读已经三年,作为一位学生歌手,仓木*觉得与其作时间上的分配计划,心境上的转换更为重要,“继续升学是我自己的决定,所以今后在学业与工作两方面,我都会努力加油的。”
All Night
Baby I Like
Baby Tonight~You&Me~
Brand New Day
Born to be free
Best of hero
Can't forget your love
Can't get enough~gimme your love~
Chance for you
Come on! Come on!
Cuz you’ll know that you’re right
Cherish the day

Diamond Wave
Did I Hear You Say That You're In Love
Delicious Way
Don't leave me alone
Double Rainbow

Everything's All Right
Fairy tale ~my last teenage wish~
Feel fine !
Give me one more chance
Gonna keep on tryin'
Growing of my heart
Happy days
Honey, feeling for me
I'll be there
If I Believe
I don't wanna lose you
I sing a song for you
It's All Right
I Like it I Like that
Just A Little Bit
Just Like You Smile Baby
Key to my heart
Like a star in the night
Love, Day After Tomorrow
Lover Boy
Loving You…

Make My Day
Mi Corazon
Moon serenade,Moonlight
My Story,Your Song
Not that kind a girl
One Life
Over the rainbow
one for me
Please let me wonder
Reach for the sky
Rescue Me
Ride on time
Ready for love

Safest Place
Secret of my heart
Seven Nights
season of love
Simply Wonderful
Stand Up
Start in my life
Stay by my side
Stepping ∞ Out
State of mind
Silent love~open my heart~
secret roses
Tell me what
Tell me your way
The ROSE~melody in the sky~
Think about
This is your life
Through the River
Time after time ~花舞う街で~
Tonight, I feel close to you
Trip in the dream
Trying To Find My Way
The frozen sea
Voice of Safest Place

What are you waiting for
What I feel
Winter Bells
What Can I Do
YES or NO~TRANCE Continental Remix~
You are not the only one
You look at me~one
You and Music and Dream

ベスト オブ ヒーロー (Best of hero)
いつかは あの空に
今 君とここに
一秒ごとに Love for you

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 09:01

Mai Kuraki (Kuraki Mai), born October 28, 1982 in Funabashi, Chiba) is a Japanese pop singer-songwriter.

She was influenced at an early age by Whitney Houston's singing and Michael Jackson's dancing. In her second year of junior high school, she submitted a demo tape to the Giza Studio recording label and won a contract. She debuted in the United States in 1999 with the song "Baby I Like," released as Mai K. Her first Japanese single, "Love, Day After Tomorrow", was released later in the year. It sold 1,385,190 copies in Japan. The success of her debut was quickly followed by her second single "Stay by my side" which become her first no.1 single and eventually sold 922,140 copies. Mai's third single "Secret of my Heart" was also very successful reaching no.2 on the Oricon Weekly Ranking (At this week, Masaharu Fukuyama's biggest hit single "Sakurasaka" was number 1, which sold 2,299,000 copies). The single charted for sixteen weeks and sold 968,980 copies. A few weeks before the release of her debut album Mai released her fourth single "Never Gonna Give You Up" featuring Michael Africk. The single peaked at #2 and sold 434,250 copies.

Following the release of four singles Mai Kuraki released her highly anticipated debut album "Delicious Way". The album was a massive success in Japan topping the charts and selling an impressive 3,451,660 copies. Delicious Way was the highest selling album in the year 2000 and officially the 9th best selling Jpop album of all time.[1] Delicious Way is also the second best selling studio album from a female artist after Utada Hikaru's First Love and the third best selling Jpop female album of all time ~ after First Love and Ayumi Hamasaki's A-Best compilation album. In addition, Mai Kuraki also holds the record of having all 28 of her singles in the top-ten since her debut according to the Oricon's female artists ranking record. Like her popular contemporary Utada Hikaru, Mai Kuraki also writes the lyrics to all her songs.

Her English-language ventures, single "Baby I Like" and the album Secret of My Heart were both commercial flops, even though they were the flagship releases of the GIZA USA label. Her all-African-American tour band, Experience, is also somewhat prolific. They were featured in the music video for "Stand Up", and released one single featuring Kuraki Mai's vocals and a Michael Jackson tribute album.

Following the Delicious Way, Mai started releasing material for her second album. This was kicked off with the single "Simply Wonderful" which peaked no.2 and sold 384,820 copies. Mai's next single "Reach for the Sky" was also a success was peaking at no.3 at and sold 468,320 units. The single was used as the theme song for NHK TV series "Audrey". Reach for the Sky was Mai Kuraki's first single not to reach the no. 1 or 2 position on the Oricon Charts. Mai's third single form her second album was Tsumetai Umi / Start in my life. The single peaked at no.2, charted for eleven weeks and sold 356,310 copies. Next up was the single "Stand Up" an acoustic rock single. Stand Up peaked at no.2 and eventually sold 475,910 copies. A month before releasing her second album, Mai released the single "Always" an upbeat song. Peaking at no.2 the single went on to sell 219,940 copies.

Following the release of five new singles, Mai Kuraki eventually released her second album Perfect Crime in July 2001. Although the album did not match the phenomenal success of Delicious Way, it did fare well in its own right, peaking at no.1 on the Oricon Charts, and eventually went on to sell 1,317,170 copies.

Year 2002 was a year of success for Mai Kuraki. January that year, "Winter Bells", the 10th opening theme for the popular anime Detective Conan, reached the top position of the Oricon charts. FT Shiseido chose "Feel fine!" as the theme song for its 100 year celebration campaign. The single release of the song briefly held the daily top spot against Ayumi Hamasaki's "Free & Easy", but lost out the weekly top spot.

In October 2003, she released a rock cover of a Momoe Yamaguchi, a 1970's idol, song, "IMITATION GOLD" as part of Tak Matsumoto's HIT PARADE project, which claimed the top position on the Oricon charts, despite selling less than 50,000 copies on the first week. On New Year's Day of year 2004, Kuraki released her compilation/best album Wish You The Best and became the best selling album in the month of January plus the 5th best selling album for the year 2004 in Japan. Since the release of "Love, needing", she have been featuring more retro-sounding songs. In March 2005 she graated from Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. 6th studio album "Fuse of Love" was release on 24 August 2005. Recently, her 7th studio album "DIAMOND WAVE" was released on 2 August 2006. This is the first time she is using her single title to be the same as the album and also the first time there are only three instead of four hit singles to be included in her album.

In 2007, she became more active outside Japan - performed "Born to be Free" at the A3 Champions Cup in China in June, performed her classic "Secret of my heart" at Taiwan's Golden Melody Award, performed new single "Silent love ~open my heart~" at the Asian Song Festival in Korea, and had her first overseas concert in Taiwan in November, just before the release of the "One Life" album in January 1 2008.

Also in 2007, she has joined Northern Music and left GIZA Studio. Her first album there went below #10 and hit #14.

She is currently doing her new album ,which is tentatively scheled to be released either in the fall of this year or early next year. Her latest single , "Ichibyo Goto ni Love for You" will be released on July 9th.

To date, Kuraki has recorded 7 studio albums (5 of which went to #1), 27 singles (3 of which went to #1), a compilation album, and 9 DVD/Videos.


* "Baby I Like" (1999) - Failed to chart (USA Release)
* "Love, Day After Tomorrow" (8 December 1999) - #2 1 385 190 copies sold
* "Stay by my side" (15 March 2000) - #1 922 140 copies sold
* "Secret of my heart" (26 April 2000) - #2 968 980 copies sold
* "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP" (7 June 2000) - #2 434 250 copies sold
* "Simply Wonderful" (27 September 2000) - #2 384 820 copies sold
* "Reach for the sky" (28 November 2000) - #3 468 320 copies sold
* "tsumetai umi/Start in my life" (7 February 2001) - #2 356 310 copies sold
* "Stand Up" (18 April 2001) - #2 475 910 copies sold
* "always" (6 June 2001) - #2 219 940 copies sold
* "Can't forget your love/PERFECT CRIME ~Single Edit~" (29 August 2001) - #2 180 040 copies sold
* "Winter Bells" (17 January 2002) - #1 258 310 copies sold
* "Feel fine!" (24 April 2002) - #2 451 500 copies sold
* "Like a star in the night" (4 September 2002) - #2 119 550 copies sold
* "Make my day" (4 December 2002) - #2 107 899 copies sold
* "Time after time ~hanamau machi de~" (Time after time~花舞う街で~) (5 March 2003) - #3 144 461 copies sold
* "Kiss" (30 April 2003) - #3 112 092 copies sold
* "kaze no la la la" (风のららら) (28 May 2003) - #3 96 198 copies sold
* "IMITATION GOLD" (8 October 2003 as TAK MATSUMOTO featuring Kuraki Mai) - #1 80 998 copies sold
* "Ashita e Kakeru Hashi" (明日へ架ける桥) (19 May 2004) - #3 90 588 copies sold
* "Love,needing" (19 January 2005) - #5 69 067 copies sold
* "DANCING" (ダンシング) (23 March 2005) - #5 56 682 copies sold
* "P.S♡MY SUNSHINE" (1 June 2005) - #8 41 936 copies sold
* "Growing of my heart" (9 November 2005) - #7 62 299 copies sold
* "BEST OF HERO" (ベスト オブ ヒーロー) (8 February 2006) - #5 57 741 copies sold
* "Diamond Wave" (21 June 2006) - #7 30 977 copies sold
* "Shiroi Yuki" (白い雪) (20 December 2006) - #4 43 721 copies sold
* "Season of love" (14 February 2007) #6 30 597 copies sold
* "Silent Love ~open my heart~/BE WITH U" (28 November 2007) #9 30,625 copies sold
* "梦が咲く春/You and Music and Dream" (19 March 2008) #5 28,881 copies sold
* "一秒ごとに Love for you/Love for you in one second" (2008) TBA


* Delicious Way (28 June 2000) - #1 3 530 420 copies sold

1. Delicious Way
2. Love, Day After Tomorrow
3. Secret of my heart
4. Stepping ∞ Out
5. Baby Tonight~You&Me~
6. Can't get enough~gimme your love~
8. Stay by my side
9. Everything's All Right
10. happy days
11. 君との时间 (Kimi to no jikan)

* Perfect Crime (4 July 2001) - #1 1 319 970 copies sold

2. Start in my life
3. Reach for the sky
4. Brand New Day
5. Stand Up
6. Come on! Come on!
7. always
8. What are you waiting for
9. think about
10. 冷たい海 (Tsumetai umi)
11. Reach for the sky GOMI REMIX(Radio Edit)
12. いつかは あの空に (Itsuka wa anosora ni)
13. The ROSE~melody in the sky~

* Secret of My Heart (2002) - (USA Release)

1. Secret of my heart
2. Did I Hear You Say That You're In Love
4. Baby I Like
5. Stay by my side
6. Can't get enough -gimme your love-
7. Delicious way
8. Love, Day After Tomorrow
9. Stepping ∞ Out
10. Baby Tonight -you & Me-
11. Baby I Like -Extacy Vox Mix-
12. All Right -DJ ME-YA Radical Beat Mix-

* FAIRY TALE (23 October 2002) - #1 730 580 copies sold

1. Fairy tale ~my last teenage wish~
2. Feel fine !
3. Ride on time
4. key to my heart
5. Winter Bells
6. Loving You…
7. Can't forget your love
8. Trip in the dream
9. Not that kind a girl
10. Like a star in the night
11. 不思议の国 (fushigi no kuni)
12. fantasy

* If I Believe' (9 July 2003) - #1 443 689 copies sold

1. If I Believe
2. Time after time ~花舞う街で~(Hana mau machi de)
3. 风のららら (Kaze no ra ra ra)
4. Kiss
5. mi corazon
6. I don't wanna lose you
7. Make my day~album version~
9. Just A Little Bit
10. You are not the only one
11. Tonight, I feel close to you

* FUSE OF LOVE (24 August 2005) - #3 185 350 copies sold

1. Honey, feeling for me
3. You look at me~one
4. 駆け抜ける稲妻
5. Don't leave me alone
6. Love, needing
7. ダンシング (Dancing)
8. Tell me what
10. 明日へ架ける桥 (Ashita e Kakeru Hashi)
11. I sing a song for you
12. chance for you

* DIAMOND WAVE (2 August 2006) - #3 132 476 copies sold

1. Diamond Wave
2. Ready for love
3. ベスト オブ ヒーロー (Best of Hero)
4. Juliet
5. Growing of my heart
6. 会いたくて... (ai takute)
7. ホログラム (horoguramu)
8. State of mind
9. 今 君とここに (ima kimi tokokoni)
10. Cherish the day
11. Voice of Safest Place

* ONE LIFE (1 January 2008) - #14 81,988 copies sold

1. One Life -- composed/arranged by Martin Ankelius & Henrik Andersson-Tervaid
2. I Like it Like that -- composed by Ricky Hanley, Darren Woodford & Lynn Slater, arranged by Radi8
3. one for me -- composed/arranged by Yoo Hae Joon
4. Born to be Free -- composed by Akihito Tokunaga, arranged by Cybersound
5. 白い雪 (Shiroi Yuki) -- composed by Aika Ohno, arranged by Daisuke Ikeda
6. Silent love ~open my heart~ -- composed/arranged by Daisuke "DAIS" Miyachi & Yuichi Ohno
7. everything -- composed/arranged by Takanori Fujimoto
8. Season of love -- composed by Aika Ohno, arranged by Cybersound
9. secret roses -- composed by Mari Fujita, arranged by Mari Fujita & DAYTRACK
10. Wonderland -- composed/arranged by Tomoo Kasahara & Yoko Blaqstone
11. BE WITH U -- composed by Tokunaga Akihito, arranged by Cybersound
12. Over The Rainbow (Bonus track) -- lyrics by E.Y.Harburg, composed by Harold Arlen, arranged by Hiroyuki Kubota & Hideyuki Terachi

Compilation albums

* Wish You The Best (1 January 2004) - #1 948 268 copies sold

1. Love, Day After Tomorrow
2. Stay by my side
3. Secret of my heart
5. Delicious Way
6. Simply Wonderful ~Radio Edit~
7. Reach for the sky
8. 冷たい海 (Tsumetai umi)
9. Stand Up
10. always
11. Winter Bells
12. Feel fine !
13. Like a star in the night
14. Time after time ~花舞う街で~ (Hana mau machi de)
15. 风のららら (Kaze no ra ra ra)
16. Tonight, I feel close to you (with 孙 燕姿)


* FIRST CUT (8 November 2000 DVD/VHS)
* Mai Kuraki & Experience First Live 2001 in Zepp Osaka (VHS 19 September 2001)
* Mai Kuraki & Experience First Live Tour 2001 ETERNAL MOMENT (DVD/VHS 21 November 2001)
* Mai Kuraki "Loving You..." Tour 2002 Final 2.27 in YOKOHAMA ARENA (VHS 3 April 2002)
* Mai Kuraki "Loving You..." Tour 2002 Complete Edition (DVD 15 May 2002)
* My Reflection (DVD 17 January 2004)
* Mai Kuraki 5th Anniversary Edition Grow, Step by Step (DVD 5 January 2005)
* Mai Kuraki Live Tour 2005 LIKE A FUSE OF LIVE (DVD 22 February 2006)
* Brilliant Cut ~Mai Kuraki Live & Document~ (DVD 22 August 2007)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 09:02

She is one of the hottest young singers from Japan and her name is Mai Kuraki(also known as Mai-K to her fans). Kuraki wanted to be a singer ever since she saw a movie about Michael Jackson’s life and watched Whitney Houston’s concert videos. Around her second year in junior high school, she began making demo tapes, hoping that she would get a record deal. Her chance to sing came while she was in junior high school. A member of staff from her current label, GIZA Studio caught her fresh talent and immediately sent her to Cybersound Studio Boston(波士顿) to record her US debut single, “Baby I Like” under the pseudonym “Mai-K” which eventually became her nickname. The studio staff were so impressed with her vocals that they encouraged her to go back to Japan and record. With this early success under her belt, she released her Japanese debut single, “Love, Day After Tomorrow”, which charted as high as NO.2, and broke sales records for longest selling singles, shifting 1.3 million copies. Since her debut at sixteen, her singles and albums have never failed to chart in top three. Despite Kuraki’s infrequent TV and magazine appearances, she has a very large fan base and is often compared to Utada Hikaru(宇多田光) because of their similar R&B styles. On March21, 2005, Kuraki graated from Ritsumeikan University(立命馆大学) in Kyoto where she studied modern culture and society.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 09:02

She is one of the hottest young singers from Japan and her name is Mai Kuraki(also known as Mai-K to her fans). Kuraki wanted to be a singer ever since she saw a movie about Michael Jackson’s life and watched Whitney Houston’s concert videos. Around her second year in junior high school, she began making demo tapes, hoping that she would get a record deal. Her chance to sing came while she was in junior high school. A member of staff from her current label, GIZA Studio caught her fresh talent and immediately sent her to Cybersound Studio Boston(波士顿) to record her US debut single, “Baby I Like” under the pseudonym “Mai-K” which eventually became her nickname. The studio staff were so impressed with her vocals that they encouraged her to go back to Japan and record. With this early success under her belt, she released her Japanese debut single, “Love, Day After Tomorrow”, which charted as high as NO.2, and broke sales records for longest selling singles, shifting 1.3 million copies. Since her debut at sixteen, her singles and albums have never failed to chart in top three. Despite Kuraki’s infrequent TV and magazine appearances, she has a very large fan base and is often compared to Utada Hikaru(宇多田光) because of their similar R&B styles. On March21, 2005, Kuraki graated from Ritsumeikan University(立命馆大学) in Kyoto where she studied modern culture and society.
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