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金山农民画英文介绍 几句话就行 简单的 不要太难的英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 22:22



热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 23:52

Jinshan Peasant Paintings are created by Chinese peasants working in Fengjing Town Jinshan County near Shanghai, China. During the late 1970s, the Chinese painter Wu Tongzhang began teaching painting techniques to the farmers in Jinshan. Most of these first painters were older women skilled in various folk arts that had been passed down through generations. These traditional folk arts, such as embroidery, paper cutting, paper folding, and weaving, heavily influenced the style of painting that developed.追问我想要的不是历史 是特点什么的 比如 农民画:朴实、生动、绚丽、抒情 它以大红大紫的色彩,夸张化的描述,寓意深刻的主题,简洁明快的风格勾画出了美丽的田园风光,栩栩如生的农家生活,气氛热烈的劳动场面和欢天喜地的节日庆典,充分体现了现代民间艺术的特点

追答Jinshan Peasant Paintings are both natural and unnatural. They are natural, for they show a love of ordinary life - love of children, love of festivals, love of animals, and love of work and chores. But they are also unnatural, in that these ordinary life-events are shown according to the painters’ imaginations. The painters use a wide range of bright colors - colors that are often unnatural - and spread them throughout the paintings. Spatial reality and perspective are unimportant in these paintings. Figures and objects are usually drawn in a way that looks child-like. Taken together, these elements give the paintings a charming, primitive style. The paintings that result are not traditional Chinese and not Western, but are universal celebrations of life.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 01:10

The Jinshan Farmer's Paintings are an unique genre of chinese folk art which created by the farmers themselves. Known for the vivid colour and imagination of the compositions, the works usually reflect the life and scene of the farmers in Jinshan.
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