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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 11:03



热心网友 时间:2023-07-09 00:15

(Name of the book)书名:Love or Money(爱情与金钱)
(Writer of the book)作者:Rowena Akinyemi

This story happend in a rich family.It should have been a happy family but weryone wanted money from Molly.And one night she was killed.
who kill her?The detective found the murder at last.It was Molly/s elder daughter Jackie.She hooted her mother beacuse she gave her nothing ang marry her lover.

(Name of the book)书名:The Phantom of the Opera(歌剧院的幽灵)
(Writer of the book)作者:Gaston Lerous

This story happend in an opera house in Paris.The Opera Ghost loved the opera singer Daae.He taught her music and made her become famous overnight.But Daae was in love with Raoul.The Ghost became angry because he wanted love but nobody loved him. He took away Daae to his home.To save Daae,Raoul was tangled in the Ghost/s house.To save her lover,Daae promised to marry the ghost.
The Ghost was deeply touched.He let them go.Nobody know where they went.Maybe the lived happily in a quiet place.

(Name of the book)书名:Mary Queen of Scots
(Writer of the book)作者:Tim Vicary

The Queen of Scots Mary was born a Catholic but most of her people were protestants.Her halfbrother Moray was against her married with Henry.
Soon she was pregnant with her son-James.Sasked Riccio to help her with her work.Her husband Henry killed Riccio.Soon Henry was killed.Mary was put into prison.Nobody knew it was moray who stirred up all the strife.
Mary lost the fight and ran away to England.Queen Elizabeth put her in prison for twenty years and killed her in 1587.
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