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具体介绍Audrey Hepburn参与的慈善事业,最好要英文的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-23 05:45



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 07:44

In 1988, Audrey embarked on her second career as UNICEF's international Goodwill Ambassador. With her long time companion, Robert Wolders, and assisted by her dear friend Christa Roth, Audrey traveled for UNICEF with acclaimed photographer John Isaac on behalf of UNICEF. Together they presented to the world a provocative visual context in which to see the urgency of Audrey's message.

For five years, until her death in 1993, Audrey devoted all her energy to working with UNICEF. Her field missions were often physically and emotionally demanding and sometimes undertaken at great personal risk. Audrey learned first hand about the plight of poor and displaced children in countries all over the world. Audrey made over fifty field research visits to UNICEF-assisted projects in Sudan, El Salvador, Honras, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand, Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, and Somalia. . These trips enabled her to witness first-hand the distressing conditions of children living in war-torn and drought-ridden areas of the world. Determined to raise awareness and badly needed funds, Audrey applied her first-hand knowledge to inform Special Assemblies at the U.N., shared details with various Press Associations, and lobbied on behalf of children to World Parliaments.

In 1993, Sean H. Ferrer, Luca Dotti (Audrey's sons) and Robert Wolders (her companion) created The Audrey Hepburn Memorial Fund at the U.S. Fund for UNICEF to commemorate the humanitarian efforts she made as a UNICEF International Goodwill Ambassador.

To date, the Audrey Hepburn Memorial Fund at UNICEF has raised over $1 million dollars for ecational programs in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Sudan and Somalia.



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