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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-10 16:43



热心网友 时间:2024-07-01 16:25

浪漫主义: romanticism is a movement prevailing the 19th centure in Weasterm World in literature.art music and philosophy beginning as a reaction and protest against the bondage of rules and customs of neo-classicism.It was marked and is always marked by a story reaction .It returned to nature and plain humanity for material.Itbrought about a renewed interest in medieval literature.It was also marked by sympathy for poor people and thus a deep understanding toward common people.It was a movement expression of indival orignality and different poets realized their variety.A dream of golden age is established against stern realities .Imagination is the key point.
自然主义: naturelism is a literary trend prevailing in the second half of the 19th century in Europe.especially France and Germany. Naturalism is an attempt to achieve fidelity to nature by rejecting idealized protrayals of lices.In literature. it can be further defined as a technique of objective view of man or a mood with frankness and accuracy.According to naturalists writes. man is shaped by hehedity and environment. over which they cannot control. They tend to show "true-to-life'description without selection. They show man'struggling for survival.
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