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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-09 21:49



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 16:30

I did a survey recently about doing housework among my friends to see people's attitude about it.The result is that most of them are tired of housework .I feel so amazing,because I think doing housework is very interesting,it makes youth more independent ,it means that we are not relay on our parents any more.And it also help us to get on well with our parents,we'll have more topics with them.Then we'll find communicate with our parents isn't hard.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 16:30

I did a survey recently about doing housework among my friends to see people's attitude about it.The result is that most of them are tired of housework .I feel so amazing,because I think doing housework is very interesting,it makes youth more independent ,it means that we are not relay on our parents any more.And it also help us to get on well with our parents,we'll have more topics with them.Then we'll find communicate with our parents isn't hard.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 16:30

I did a survey recently about doing housework among my friends to see people's attitude about it.The result is that most of them are tired of housework .I feel so amazing,because I think doing housework is very interesting,it makes youth more independent ,it means that we are not relay on our parents any more.And it also help us to get on well with our parents,we'll have more topics with them.Then we'll find communicate with our parents isn't hard.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 16:30

I did a survey recently about doing housework among my friends to see people's attitude about it.The result is that most of them are tired of housework .I feel so amazing,because I think doing housework is very interesting,it makes youth more independent ,it means that we are not relay on our parents any more.And it also help us to get on well with our parents,we'll have more topics with them.Then we'll find communicate with our parents isn't hard.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 16:30

I did a survey recently about doing housework among my friends to see people's attitude about it.The result is that most of them are tired of housework .I feel so amazing,because I think doing housework is very interesting,it makes youth more independent ,it means that we are not relay on our parents any more.And it also help us to get on well with our parents,we'll have more topics with them.Then we'll find communicate with our parents isn't hard.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 16:30

I did a survey recently about doing housework among my friends to see people's attitude about it.The result is that most of them are tired of housework .I feel so amazing,because I think doing housework is very interesting,it makes youth more independent ,it means that we are not relay on our parents any more.And it also help us to get on well with our parents,we'll have more topics with them.Then we'll find communicate with our parents isn't hard.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 16:30

I did a survey recently about doing housework among my friends to see people's attitude about it.The result is that most of them are tired of housework .I feel so amazing,because I think doing housework is very interesting,it makes youth more independent ,it means that we are not relay on our parents any more.And it also help us to get on well with our parents,we'll have more topics with them.Then we'll find communicate with our parents isn't hard.
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