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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-10 08:57



热心网友 时间:2023-12-05 01:42

材料: 2杯面粉, 1/2杯开水, 1/4杯冷水, 8汤匙油, 1/2茶匙盐, 2汤匙葱蓉.

1. 把开水慢慢倒入面粉, 边倒边用筷子稍微搅拌.
2. 把冷水也倒入面粉, 用手把面粉揉成一个光滑的面团. 盖上湿毛巾醒30分钟.
3. 工作台上撒满面粉, 把面团揉几分钟.
4. 把面团檊成一个大面团, 越薄越好, 大概比厚水饺皮厚一点.
5. 如果想吃软饼就在面团上抹一层油, 做出来的葱油饼分很多层, 每层象纸一样薄; 如果不抹油饼的层次不很分明, 但是比较劲道, 有嚼头.
6. 在面团上均匀地撒满盐和葱蓉.
7. 从一边开始卷面团, 卷成一个像旧式望远镜形状的长圆筒.
8. 用手把面团分成四份. 面团中间部分厚, 每段可以短一点; 两边薄, 就长一点.
9. 把每份面团开口处用手捏合. 两只手同时握住一块面团, 把面团捏细.
10. 两只手握住同一份面团的两端, 向相反方向拧, 象拧麻花一样, 边拧边往中间靠拢, 形成一个中间厚, 两边薄的粗矮圆筒.
11. 用擀面棍把面团擀薄, 从面团中间向边上擀, 擀得比厚水饺皮稍微厚一点. 把多余的面粉抖掉.
12. 把炉子开得比中火稍大一点, 用大约2汤匙油把一份饼煎成金*.

1. 油, 盐, 和葱的份量是大概的, 可以根据个人的喜好调整.
2. 最好用细葱. 葱蓉越细越好.
3. 煎饼不要用大多油, 翻饼的时候小心不要被油溅到脸上.
4. 不分层的葱油饼煎的时候用油少一点, 外表看起来很油.
5. 煎好的饼用卫生纸包着蘸干净油健康一点.
6. 煎的时候葱油饼会鼓起像油条一样的气泡. 我没有见过鸡蛋灌饼, 但是读过有关的食谱, 可能把大的气泡挑破, 倒入鸡蛋液就行了

Material: 2 cups of bread flour, 1/2 cup of boiling water, 1/4 cup ofcold water, 8 soupspoon oils, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 2 soupspoon onionshibiscus

1. slowly pours into the boiling water the bread flour, on the onehand but actually on the other hand uses the chopsticks slightly tostir
2. also pours into the cold water the bread flour, rubs smooth 面团with the handle bread flour Covers the wet towel to awake 30 minutes
On 3. work tables scatters the full bread flour, rubs 面团 severalminutes
4. □g becomes 面团 big 面团, thinner better, thick boiledmplings is probably more thick-skinned than
5. if thought 吃软 the cake on wipes oil on 面团, makes awheatcake minute multilayer, each elephant paper equally is very thin;If does not wipe the oil cake the level to be not very distinct, butthe comparison strength, has 嚼头
6. evenly scatters Man Yan and the onion hibiscus on 面团
7. starts volume 面团 from the one side, coils a picture old-styletelescope shape the long cylinder
8. uses handle 面团 to divide into four 面团 middle partial isthick, each section may short; Nearby two is thin, long
9. kneads together each 面团 opening the mouth place with the handTwo hands simultaneously grip together 面团, pinches thin 面团
10.2 hands grip identical share 面团 the beginnings and ends, twiststo the reverse direction, likely twists 麻花 to be same, on the onehand twists on the other hand closes up toward among, forms among tobe thick, two side thin thick short cylinders
11. uses 擀 the surface stick 面团 擀 thinly, from 面团 to theside on 擀, 擀 thick boiled mplings skin is slightly thicker thanShakes the unnecessary bread flour
12. operates slightly center fire the stove is bigger than, friesgolden yellow with the about 2 soupspoon oils a cake

1. oils, the salt, with onion's component is general, may actaccording to indivial likes the adjustment
2. easiest to use thin onions The onion hibiscus thinner is better
3. fried cakes do not have to use mostly the oil, turns the cake timeis careful do not have to splash by the oil to the face on
4. lamination wheatcakes do not fry time oil used few, the semblancelooks like very the oil
5. fries the good cake paper-insulated to dip clean oil health withthe health
6. fries the time wheatcake can blow up likes the cruller same airbubble I have not seen the egg to fill the cake, but has read therelated recipes, possibly pricked the big air bubble, pours into theegg fluid to be good
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