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谭盾 英文简介

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-16 13:59



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 13:56

Tan Dun, a famous Chinese-American composer, enjoyed the reputation of the country. 1999 for the opera "Marco Polo" won Grammy Awards composer. His film "Crouching Tiger" won the 2001 Academy Award for composing the "Best Original Score." He also created the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games song "embrace the dream of love." 20 years, Tan Dun's music through his world to spread Chinese culture, by music lovers all over the respect and love.

Well-known musician, composer Tan Dun childhood by the influence of Chinese culture of Chu, and later into the Peking Opera Peking Opera musician started his career. 1977 admitted to the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music, with the Zhao-way street, Lebanon and made tone composition to learn, master's degree. In 1986 graated from the Graate School of Central Conservatory of Music in 1986 from Columbia University Scholarship, went to Columbia University, with David Duofusiji and Chou Wen-learning and access to music arts doctorate. He is the Central Conservatory of Music, "painter-poet," one of the first creation at school string quartet, "Fuga Song" the use of folk tunes, the Chinese court music, temple hymns and other original material, giving fresh, chic feeling, won the Composition Competition in 1983 Burr Award. By the press, the arts known as the "New Wave Music", "avant-garde music", "rising generation" is one of the representatives to the United States, several well-known band composer hired him as a band, and as BBC Symphony Orchestra (Scotland) resident composer and deputy commanding, held in 1988 in the United States solo concert, it is the musicians held a concert in the United States for the first time. March 12, 2010 Bureau of Shanghai World Expo officially announced, added Yang Lan, Tan Dun, Andy Lau, Li Ning, the Expo served as ambassador, which Tan Dun for the Shanghai World Expo "cultural ambassador."

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