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R. Kelly Featruring Huey&R. Kelly Featuring Huey的《Hook It Up》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-16 04:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 23:20

歌曲名:Hook It Up
歌手:R. Kelly Featruring Huey&R. Kelly Featuring Huey
专辑:Double Up

Vanessa Hudgens - Hook It Up
Everybody likes a fiesta
Everbody wants to have fun
Bring a couple o’ friends and I’ll betcha
That I’ll be hooking up with someone
Cause I’m tired of all the boys
Who don’t like to dance
And if you don′t like to dance
You don’t stand a chance, so
Why you standing in the corner
With your arms all folded
When you know’ that she's ready to dance
Right upon ya'
You got the money, money
She′s got the hottie body
We wanna party, party
Hook it all up (hook it up)
You pick the song they’re playing
She is anticipating
All the while the DJ′s saying
Hook it up, baby
Hook it up
If you think you can just stand there, oh you’re dreaming
It’s gonna take a little bit more
To have a chance with me is a good reason
To mix it up all on the dance floor
Hell no, we don’t dance ‘nless we don’t stand a chance
Then we pull up our pants and hit the dance floor, baby
If you want a chance, better get up and dance
‘nless ya’ can’t really dance in that case stay at home
Play as only
Beat is dropping
There’s no stopping
What could happen here tonight
I'll Hook you up with my friends
I’ll hook you up with her friend
No one’s gonna feel alone tonight
She′s got the hottie body (hook it up)
We wanna party, party (hook it up)
Hook it all up

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