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求英语翻译 万分感激

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-01 21:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 07:32

At present, regional differences in medical standards, different levels of hospital doctors, and the same doctor making the diagnosis of different conditions have different clinical not inevitably lead to high levels of medical experts to ensure a stable team and good medical facilities, and for a large number have been confirmed cases have to be better utilized.
In order to better diagnosis of diabetes and its complications and treatment, the paper carried out exploratory rough set theory in diagnosis of diabetes research, an expert for the good use of confirmed cases, clinicians assisted diagnosis, improve the diagnosis as soon as possible and do more diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, to promote the positive significance to human health.The main work, and this contribution: first, diagnosed diabetes patients through data collection and pretreatment and thus based on rough set theory is applied to provide effective diagnostic analysis of diabetes data sources;.Second, based on rough set methods and diagnostic mode of thinking according to medical experts, including methods proposed to rough, rough rough exclusion laws and contrast method to extract diagnosis rules diagnosed diabetes cases, results show that the correct rate of 97.6%;.Third, according to medical clinical practice, that clinical false positive and false negative phenomena, different doctors in the diagnosis requirements are different, the common complications of diabetes and sex, as well as a variety of complications of diabetes and other factors may be concurrent proposed Law Degree with false content matching rules to rece leakage sense misdiagnosed;.Fourth, the above rule-based extraction and analysis of the results, based on clinical diagnosis in accordance with the needs of the diagnosis model was designed, developed diagnosis system, experiments show that the proposed method is feasible and effective, system test results can assist clinicians to diagnose the effect of the complications of diabetes.
望楼主采纳!!!!!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 07:33

Presently, the local medical service level's difference, hospital doctor the level difference, as well as the identical doctor's also has the difference under dissimilar condition diagnosis decision-making, causes on clinical not to be able inevitably to guarantee the stable high level medical expert troop and the good medical equipment, but regarding massive has diagnosed the case waits for a better use. For better carries on the diagnosis and the treatment to diabetes and the complication, this article exploringly has carried on the rough collection theory in diabetes diagnostic analysis applied research, regarding uses the good expert diagnosis case, auxiliary clinician diagnoses, raises the diagnosis level, diagnosis diabetic patient, to promote the human health enterprise to have the positive sense as soon as possible, the completely most. This article does the prime task and the contribution include: First, through to diagnosis saccharorrhea case data collection and corresponding pretreatment, thus to apply based on the rough collection theory in diabetes diagnostic analysis provides the effective data pool; Second, diagnoses the ideological mode based on the rough collection method and according to the medical expert, proposed that with contains the law, the rough repel law and the rough correlation method roughly withdraws the diagnosis rule for the diagnosis saccharorrhea case, the experimental result demonstrated the accuracy may reach 97.6%; Third, according to the medicine clinical reality, namely on clinical has phenomena, different doctor and so on false positive and false negative is different to the diagnosis request, diabetes complications's general character and opposite sex, as well as diabetes' many kinds of complications's concurrency possible and so on factors, proposed that with Rong Jia the law matching rule, in certain significance can rece leaks the error diagnostic; Fourth, in based on the above rule extraction and in the analysis achievement foundation, according to the clinical diagnosis need, has designed the auxiliary diagnosis pattern, has developed the auxiliary diagnosis system, the experimental verification the method feasibility which and the validity proposed, the system test result can achieve auxiliary clinician to diabetes complication diagnosis effect.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 07:33

Currently, the regional medical level differences, different levels of hospital doctors and the same doctor making the diagnosis of different conditions have different clinical inevitably lead to a high level does not guarantee a stable team of medical experts and a good medical equipment, and for a large number have been confirmed cases have to be better utilized. In order to better diagnosis of diabetes and its complications and treatment, the paper explores to the rough set theory in the diagnosis of diabetes research, for the good use of Zhuanjia confirmed cases, clinicians assisted diagnosis, improve the diagnosis early and do more diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, in order to promote the cause of human health has a positive meaning. The main work, and this contribution: first, diagnosed diabetes patients through data collection and the corresponding pre-treatment, thus based on rough set theory to provide an effective diagnostic analysis of diabetes data sources; second, based on rough set Diagnostic methods and thinking according to medical experts, including law proposed to rough, rough rough exclusion method and comparison methods to extract diagnostic rules diagnosed diabetes cases, results show that the correct rate of 97.6%; the third, according to the clinical practice medicine, the clinical the existence of false positive and false negative phenomena, different doctors in the diagnosis requirements are different, the common complications of diabetes and sex, as well as a variety of complications of diabetes may be so complicated factors, France proposed to match the capacity of the holiday rules, a sense on can rece misdiagnosis; Fourth, the above rule-based extraction and analysis of the results based on the clinical diagnosis according to the needs of the diagnosis model is designed to develop a secondary diagnosis system, experiments show the feasibility of the proposed method and the effective , system test results to assist clinicians to diagnose the effect of the complications of diabetes.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 07:34

At present, regional medical level difference, hospital doctors level difference, and the same doctor under different conditions of diagnosis decision-making also has difference, must cause clinically stable cannot guarantee a high level of medical expert team and good medical equipment, and to a large number of cases confirmed to better use. In order to better for diabetes and its complications for diagnosis and treatment, the article made on the rough set theory in type 2 diabetes research, application of analysis for using good experts confirmed case and auxiliary clinical doctors diagnose, improve the diagnostic level, early diagnosis and treatment, as many people with diabetes, to promote the cause of human health is of positive significance. The key work performed in this paper: first, and contribute to diagnose diabetes cases through the collection of data and the corresponding pretreatment, thus for based on rough set theory is applied in diabetes diagnosis analysis provide effective data sources, Second, based on the rough set method and according to medical experts diagnosis thinking mode, the paper by using rough contains method, rough rejection method and rough correlation method for extracting diagnosis rules diagnosed cases, the experimental results show 97.6% precision can reach, Third, according to medical clinical practice, namely clinically exist false posities and false negatie etc. Phenomenon, different doctor to diagnose requirements are different, diabetes complications of commonness and heterosexual, and diabetes complications of the various factors such as the concurrent sexual may, proposes the use of let false degree matching rules, on certain significance to rece leakage misdiagnosis, Fourth, based on the above mentioned rules extraction and analysis results of basis, according to the clinical diagnosis needs, designed the assistant diagnosis pattern, develops the auxiliary diagnosis system, the experiments show that the presented method is feasible and valid, system the test results can achieve auxiliary clinicians to diabetes complications diagnosis effect.
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