发布时间:2022-07-01 13:47
时间:2023-10-20 14:58
Method 3 : a time limit (deadline), the story of certain events If depositors with the time constraints, or a time bomb that can influence the audience to the emotional tension, and this tension can be maintained for a long time. There 12 hours a meteorite will hit the Earth, the planet will die in more than half of biotechnology. (Film -- meteorite impact Earth) 2-3 120 buses will be maintained at a speed of Justice, the car bomb would explode. (Film -- Breath-taking Speed)
时间:2023-10-20 14:58
Method three:Time restriction(deadline)
In the story some affairses if save the restriction of time, or account bomb, can give the audience a nervous motion, and this nervous motion can maintain a long time.
There are also 12 hours, the meteorite will bump shot the Earth then, more than half of living creatures will die on the earth.(The movie-meteorite bumps the Earth)
This bus has to maintain at soon 120 justices, otherwise the bomb of car will explode then.(Movie-life and death soon)
时间:2023-10-20 14:58
Method three:Time restriction(deadline)
In the story some affairses if save the restriction of the 著 time, or account bomb, can give the audience a nervous motion, and this nervous motion can maintain a long time.
There are also 12 hours, the meteorite will bump the shot the Earth then, more than half of living creatures will die on the earth.(The movie-meteorite bumps the Earth)
This bus has to be maintain at soon 120 justices, otherwise the bomb of the car will explode then.(Movie-life and death soon)
时间:2023-10-20 14:59
Method 3: The Deadline
A time limit on certain things in the story, such as a time bomb, can bring audience to the edge of their seats, and this anticipation can last quite a while.
In twelve hours, the meteor will hit the Earch, and half of the life forms on Earth will be dead. (Movie - Armageddon)
The bus must stay above 120 mile/hour, or the bomb will go off (Movie - Speed)