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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-01 22:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 14:30

First, to learn all the knowledge of the instry need and development. The late king of parts broutin when he was 35 years old, has become a part of the instry leader, and the formation of the annual income amounted to tens of millions of dollars in the Gulf and western instrial company. Each person when they are young may have been awake all night, studying hard, which at 20 or even 30 years old are not the problem, but at the age of 35, it is not supposed to learn the basic skills and big nerve racking. Before 35 years old is a person engaged in the primitive accumulation stage, after 35 years old should thrive.
Second, to develop a personal style. In the past 35 years to find what you love, whether it is clothing or hobby, even different habit or small. At the age of 20, at the age of 30 you can try and change, but at the age of 35, you have to explicitly create a personal style. A man or woman in the career change their image, it will make people feel very reliable. Do you like to wear a suit? Good! Put your suit as a trademark! Put some flowers on the desk will make your work more efficiently? Then put some flowers every day!
Third, in the emotional life of peace and stability. In the cause of climbing the peak, if not happy in private life, feelings of a crisis, you will have a lot of interference, even you will graally lose interest in other things. Those in the 35 years before the private life has been calm and stable, turbulent life in general than people have a greater chance of success. Therefore, if you want to end a section does not have the result love, or you want to get married and his girlfriend, then act it, lest the problem until thirty-fifth years of life. After the age of 35, you should be watching you intently to the cause of the investment begin to make a profit.
Fourth, understand their weaknesses. Admit that there are some things you really do not, or do not want to do. If you hate figures like creation, it will not be treated or to comply with the high expectations of others and force yourself to do digital work. Before the age of 35, the kind of work we must put your favorite, is good at. Otherwise, after 35 years will have a day to be in dismay. But, the real success may be dissipated because of the loss of vitality.
Fifth, know your strengths. You should know what you are good at, and know what you love to do and do good things than others. No matter what your current role as, know their own strengths for success are important.
Sixth, reserve money the resignation of another way of living. In this changing occupation in the world, you may not always work in one place, always in a position to play the most incisive yourself, when you are unable to display, you probably think of resignation, or open a second occupation, if you had saved up enough money, you will have a a secure backing.
Seventh, the establishment of interpersonal networks. If at the age of 35 you have not yet established strong relationships, then you're in trouble. This network of relationships including your friends and relatives, the minimum include all people can help each other. These people are some of your colleagues, some owes you a favor, you have to listen to their problems, some of you and he have the same hobbies. Network of interpersonal relationship can not be established, it needs to cultivate a few years or even ten years. A man in the career, success in life actually like a party of success, you have many people scattered in place, you can rely on them, they can rely on you.
Eighth, learn to authorize others. Many people are unwilling to do, so always be nailed in a subordinate position. Authorize others is half of success, a micromanager, cannot be authorized work of others, destined to meet great obstacles. At the age of 35, you'd better have become experts in this field. In other words, you know how to pick the right people and trust them.
Ninth, learn to remain silent when. Her career to speak carelessly people, more than for any other reasons for the success of the loss. You should learn to keep silent and looks witty people naturally think that you know more than the actual. Don't tell others gossip, don't talk about your own plans, the reputation of silence, than bring gossip more precious things. The more you succeed in business, the more important point.
Tenth, to be loyal to the people. If you go to the 35 year old has been able to establish the rock solid loyalty reputation, this shortcoming will haunt your life. Disloyal notoriety will make you unpopular everywhere in the cause. You can't rely on the stab in the back climb to the pinnacle of the cause, but to rely on in the early set up sincere outspoken and unshakable reputation. 35 years ago, only loyalty investment; after the age of 35, you will be as a person who could be trusted to receive rewards for loyalty

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