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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 01:32



懂视网 时间:2022-06-05 09:55


  Kapalbhati one of the detoxification (cleansing) method in Yoga. “Kapalbhati” is a Sanskrit word. The Sanskrit word “kapal” means skull and “bhati” means light or shining. It means if we practicing kapalbhati on regular basis its helps to shining skull with inner shine. It is the powerful exhalation and passive inhalation breathing process. This breathing technique generates heat in the body. This heat helpful for dissolve the toxins and to remove the harmful waste material out of the body.


  The force of the exhalation and minimal inhalation in kapalbhati help to the carbon dioxide is thrown out of the body in large amount. Generally, people in normal breathing we breath 16 to 20 times per minute but in the process of kapalbhati we breath 100 to 120 times per minute. This practice increases the consumption of oxygen and thrown out more carbon dioxide and other waste gases from the body.


  Kapalbhati also helps to clean mucus from the respiratory tube. The strong exhalation move the mucus forward till they are thrown out of the body. This practice very beneficial for people who suffer from mucus disorders like asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, flue, cold and sinusitis etc.


  In the process of fast forceful exhalations involving the abdominal muscle contractions. This movement massages all internal abdominal organs and stimulated digestions or activated the execratory system. It helps to remove the bally fat and abdominal toxins material out of the body.


  It’s also called frontal brain cleansing breathing. This kapalbhati mainly more affected our brain. In the process of forcefully exhalation massages the brain matter, stimulated the brain cells, pineal and pituitary glands. So this technique changes the mental activity and produces mental relaxation, relieving stress, anxiety, anger, guilty, aggression and depression etc. Its makes the mind peaceful, happiness and receptive, helping it to rise above emotions and became thoughtless.


  This kapalbhati also helps to purification of blood, balances and strengthens the nervous system. So kapalbhati detoxify the respiratory passages, waste gases and material from the body and negative thoughts and emotions remove for helpful.



  First seat in any comfortable meditative posture like padmasana, siddhasana.


  Close the eyes, back and neck should be straight and the hands on the keens in jhyana mudra and relax the whole body.


  Inhale deeply through the both nostrils, expend the chest and abdomen.


  Exhale the breath with forcefully and contractions of the abdominal muscles inside and passive.


  inhalation with the abdominal muscles relax.


  Continue rapidly forceful exhalation and passive inhalation.


  Complete 20-50 rapid breaths then take a deep breath and exhale slowly.


  This is one round.



  Beginners can practice up to 3 rounds of 20-50 breath each and advanced practitioners can increase up to 50-100 breaths per rounds.



  Keep the back and neck should be straight during practice, don’t make curve spine.


  During practice try to stable the shoulder and head.


  This practice should be try in empty stomach and at least 3-4 hours after meal.



  Please should not practice in case of any chronic diseases to related to hart, brain, abdomen and nose problem like – high blood pressure, hart attack, epilepsy, migraine, vertigo, stroke, chronic bleeding in the nose, hernia and gastric ulcers etc.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-05 07:03

幻椅式。这是瑜伽中伸展脊椎的经典体式之一 ,长期坚持练习,能够帮助身体排毒。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-05 08:21


热心网友 时间:2022-06-05 09:56


热心网友 时间:2022-06-05 11:47

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