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热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 20:12
在*历史上,凯瑟琳大帝与彼得大帝齐名,她建立了人类历史上空前绝后的庞大帝国。 凯瑟琳大帝(一)她的政绩卓越,一段段令人目不暇接的情史更成为一代代史学家津津乐道的话题。她的政绩卓越,但后人最关注的还是她那一段段令人目不暇接的情史。她在一场*婚姻中嫁给了*女皇伊丽莎白的侄子彼得,但彼得因为生理上的原因成了性*。于是,凯瑟琳耐心等待着时机,一边放纵情欲,一边暗中寻觅着夺取政权的良机…… 凯瑟琳出身于一个德国小公爵家庭,父亲是德意志安霍尔特-策尔布斯特王族的职业军官,母亲是德意志霍尔施坦戈多普王族的公主。凯瑟琳自小曾随其母游历过欧洲许多城市,并到过不少德国诸侯的宫廷,她命运的转折发生在1744年,这一年*女皇叶丽萨维塔为她的继承人彼得(即后来的彼得三世)挑选妻子,凯瑟琳作为候选人被邀请到*宫廷之中。 当凯瑟琳与其母的马车奔驰在东欧平原的驿道上时,可能对未来充满了期望,当从小熟悉宫廷倾轧的她,对未来将要面对的复杂的宫廷生活显然也有足够的心理准备。到莫斯科之后,凯瑟琳很快就被定为皇储的配偶,但接下来的18年对她来说并不轻松。叶丽萨维塔女皇对她时冷时热,使她更加痛苦的是她的丈夫彼得是个身体羸弱,意志薄弱而又怪戾的人,宠爱自己的*,经常羞辱凯瑟琳。在这期间,凯瑟琳自称“无时没有书本,无时没有痛苦,但永远没有快乐”,在书本中积累知识,同时偷偷组织了一个小团体,以她的情夫格里哥利�6�1奥尔洛夫五兄弟为首的近卫军青年军官,成为支持她的铁腕力量。 1762年,女皇叶丽萨维塔去世,正在怀孕的凯瑟琳不敢轻举妄动,眼睁睁地看着她的丈夫兼死敌彼得登上了皇位,成为沙皇彼得三世。彼得三世执行亲普鲁士方针,损害*利益,引起了贵族的不满。其上台之后一系列令人目瞪口呆的行动,终于将自己*上了绝路。他下令在“七年战争”中形势大好,胜利在望的俄罗斯军队停止战斗,退出所占的普鲁士土地,与普鲁士国王腓特烈二世签订和约,只因他是腓特烈二世的崇拜者,还准备“亲自率领一部分军队,听从腓特烈二世的指挥”。在国内,他要俄罗斯人改信路德教,宣布信东正教的人为异教徒,没收东正教会的财产。结果,自然是人心思变。在奥尔洛夫兄弟和哥萨克首领拉祖莫夫斯基的帮助下,凯瑟琳发动政变,成功夺取皇位,囚禁了彼得三世,几天后,彼得三世神秘死亡。 经过18年的忍辱负重,凯瑟琳终于等来了这一天,成为世界上幅员最大帝国的主人。凯瑟琳自此大刀阔斧,力行革新,掌控与操纵这个以男性为主的世界达三十多年之久。因治国有方、功绩显赫,其才干与名气闻名海内外,成为*人心目中仅次于彼得大帝的一代英主。热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 20:12
凯瑟琳大帝(英语:Catherine II the Great;俄语Екатери�0�7на II Алексе�0�7евна Вели�0�7кая;拉丁语:Yekaterína II Alekséyevna Velíkaya),又称叶卡捷琳娜二世�6�1阿列克谢耶芙娜大帝,原名索菲娅�6�1奥古丝妲�6�1弗蕾德丽卡(德语:Sophie Augusta Fredericka),1729年4月21日出生于普鲁士斯德丁(今波兰什切青),1796年11月6日逝世于普希金,是俄罗斯帝国女皇,在位时间1762年至1796年。(前任:彼得三世,继任:保罗一世)热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 20:13
In Russian history, Catherine the Great and Peter the Great fame, she has established unprecedented in human history, the huge empire. Her performance excellence, a dizzying romance section of generations of historians have become a hot topic. Catherine was born in a German family of small prince, his father is German Anholt - royal policy Erbusite career officer and his mother was German hoarestein �6�1 godotpu royal princess. Catherine childhood, he joined his mother have traveled to many European cities, and visited many of the German princes of the court, her turn of fate in 1744, the year the Russian Queen leaves Lisaweita for her successor Peter (later of Peter III) selection of his wife, Catherine was invited to Russia as a candidate among the palace. When Catherine and her mother's carriage-Benz on the post roads in the Eastern Plains, it may have great expectations for the future, when the strife of her childhood are familiar with the court, on the complexity of the future will face the court of life obviously are mentally prepared. After Moscow, Catherine soon as the Crown Prince was the spouse, but the next 18 years is not easy for her. Queen leaves Lisaweita hot and cold on her, making her even more painful is that her husband Peter is a body frail, weak but strange and brutal people who loved his mistress, Catherine often humiliating. During this time, Catherine claims to "no when there is no books, no less painful, but never happy," the accumulation of knowledge in the books, while secretly organized a small group, to her love Fugregory �6�1 Orlov five brothers, guards, led by young officers, a support force of her iron hand.