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my favourite name brand 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-22 00:12



热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 23:45

It is safe to say that no proct can be popular forever in market. A
famous brand, however, as an intangible asset, will never be
old-fashioned. Owning a name brand, others’ procts may become yours;
otherwise your procts will belong to others forever.

  China, for example, can proce Boeing parts, but these parts have
to be used with the Boeing trade mark. Similarly, the Chinese automobile
instry, so far, has not reached its own developing capacity, and has
to use foreign brands such as Audi, Jetta and Santana, for the
automobiles they make. This situation poses an immediate threat to
Chinese procts which may not be able to compete in the international
market. The way for the country will either be able to open up
completely to foreign procts or save the domestic market only for
homemade commodities. The disturbing phenomenon is that there are a lot
of famous domestic brands in the Chinese market, but few have found
their way into the international market.

more and more Chinese enterprises have begun to understand the
philosophy that “he who has a name brand wins the competition” and
carries out the famous brand strategy. I will bet that no Chinese are
willing to see that all 1.3 billion people drink foreign water, take
foreign medicine and drive foreign cars. The idea of implementing famous
brand strategy, therefore, plays an important role in the country’s
material and spiritual civilization
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