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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-19 03:57



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 12:23

片尾曲是《The Core》30 Seconds to mars唱的。 试听: http://www.stsky.com/play/87306.htm 歌词是 ti:the core 地心末日片尾曲 00:00.01(新闻媒体的公布) 00:06.43It is now emerging that the world owes its survial(看来世人能保住性命 00:10.87to he heroism of six remarkable indivials(得感谢六位卓越之士的英勇壮举) 00:14.34Shuttle Commander Robert Iverson(宇航指挥官Robert Iverson) 00:16.80French Scientist,Dr.Serge(法国科学家Serge博士) 00:17.90was captained by NASA astronaut Dr.Bob Iverson.(被美国宇航局Bob Iverson指挥官指挥) 00:20.98Edward Brazzleton is a name so... 00:23.44Dr.Conrad Zimsky wil be best remembered...(Conrad Zimsky博士会被世界永远记住) 00:25.32On Capitol Hill today(在今天国会中) 00:25.97everyone's asking the same question(每个人都问同一个问题) 00:27.82What is Project Destiony?(什么是命运计划?) 00:47.69Look at the red,red changes in the sky 00:55.88Look at separation in the borderline 01:04.81But don't look at everything here inside(Here inside) 01:13.36And be afraid,afraid to speak your mind 01:24.73It took a moment before I lost myself in here 01:33.06It took a moment and I could not be found 01:40.44Again and again and again and again 01:44.34I see your face in everything 01:49.74It took a moment and it could not be found 02:05.00What's with the fascination with the echelon? 02:13.21What's with the constant questions that you have this time? 02:21.78What's with this circumstantial consequence?(consequence) 02:30.55Find oversight before this night will ever rise again 02:39.78It's all you got inside your head 02:45.23You'd better and leave instead 02:48.37It took a moment before I lost myself in here 02:57.03It took a moment and I could not be found 03:04.43Again and again and again and again 03:08.29I see your face in everything 03:13.79It took a moment and I could not be found(Found) 03:21.30To find ourselves lost here wihtin 03:25.16We need good reason why 03:29.47So we take this bridge 03:32.15With the others that will thrive in the great divide 03:42.03Look at the red,red change in the sky.
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