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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 00:16



热心网友 时间:2023-06-13 05:14

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴In more than a hundred years of development, the global automotive instry encountered three major transformations. The first transformation was when Ford introced Model T and utilized assembly line. This tilted the center of auto instry from Europe to the United States. The second was when Europe introced flexible assembly line that can manufacture multiple models. This ended American companies' world dominance and tilted the center of auto instry back to Europe. The third transformation was caused by Japan's sophisticated management system and lean manufacturing. With its inexpensive and better quality cars, Japan followed US and Europe to become the world's third auto instry center.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-13 05:14

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴In the 100 years of automotive history, the world automobile instry has undergone tremendous changes in weight 3. The first change is the introction of the Ford Motor Co. Model T, invented the automobile assembly line, making the world auto instry\u0026#39;s focus from Europe to the United States. The second change is the European way through the proction of many varieties, breaking the American car company in the world motor racing\u0026#39;s long-term monopoly position, the center of the world auto instry back from the United States and Europe. The third change is through the improvement of proction management in Japan system, the formation of lean proction, efforts to develop affordable economy cars, the Japanese became after the United States, Europe after the world
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