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急求! 毕业论文英文摘要以及英文关键词!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-06 02:11



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 23:20

The goodwill gets system , is that continent follows one important legal system of item of department and UK-US genealogy of law civil law over the past modern times. Whether our country can apply to a goodwill get system with regard to immovable property, in "owership law " promulgate prior to, upper legislation regulation not clear and definite , ecational circles take issue with are quite big, main current the viewpoint is to hold the negative attitude's. This species legislation and theoretical do not understanding has led to the chaos on trying practice. "The law promulgating the PRC owership" coming into force newly so to speak is that dyadic one milestone law, has established a lot of new civil important legal system in our country civil law system in this law , immovable property owership goodwill gets system be one important item system among them. Secondary comparison models after the main body of a book , the positive law , ecational circles theory angle start off, have expounded and proven necessity building the immovable property goodwill getting system in our country.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 23:20

【Abstract】 made in good faith system is civil law in modern times, civil law and common law legal system, an important. China's goodwill on the real estate can be applied to obtain the system of "property law" before the promulgation of legislation is not clear that considerable academic debate, the mainstream view is negative. Theory, such legislation and the unknown has led to confusion in the trial practice. Promulgated a new "People's Republic of China property law" can be said to be one of China's civil law system, the landmark law, the law established in a number of important new system of civil law, real estate acquired in good faith in the system of property rights is one an important system. In this paper, comparative law, the existing law, the point of view of academic theory, demonstrated in China's real estate acquired in good faith to establish the need for a system.

Key words real estate; "People's Republic of China Property Law"; the principle of public trust; well-made system

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 23:21

善意取得制度,是近代以来*法系与英美法系民法的一项重要法律制度. 我国就不动产能否适用善意取得制度,在《物权法》颁布之前,立法上没有明确规定,学界争论颇大,主流观点是持否定态度的。此种立法及理论上的不明导致了审判实践上的混乱。新颁布施行的《中华人民共和国物权法》可以说是我国民法体系中一部里程碑式的法律,在这部法律中确立了许多新的重要民事法律制度,不动产物权的善意取得制度就是其中一项重要制度。本文从比较法、现行法、学界理论的角度出发,论证了在我国建立不动产善意取得制度的必要性。


只要回答的好,悬赏分不是问题!!满意加分!!!! 急用啊!~~~

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 23:22

呵呵 十*榜眼哥哥 竟然不懂英文啊 。
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