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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-15 12:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:16

The first day:

To my mother-in-law want a few small and hard of mung bean, and found a transparent plastic cup, plastic cup covered with several thin layers of tissue, together with water, put tissues soaked in water, and finally put mung bean evenly at the scattering of tissues on wet.

The next day:

Mung beans have swollen a little bit, and yesterday, and hard and small compared to the mung bean, mung bean today's apparent大了些, softened a bit. And mung bean bloom to the skin, a small spit of green with a small bud. I reached into the cup want to pinch it. Met with the mother, hastily said to me: "This tender can not pinch, and pinch it will be dead." I quickly pumped the handle back. Thought: Fortunately, my mother reminded, or want a small life in my hands mortality.

The third day:

Mung bean and long芽儿much higher, but today are different, they vary high or low, if the children with us, is a long race like high. With this doubt, I am curious to ask mother: "Why do they go down simultaneously, but the level of long different then?" Mother said with a smile: "You look at them carefully the growth of their location, they will understand. "I gazed one look. Oh, the original length at the center of the absorption of moisture on the largest number of red beans grow higher, and growth at the edge of the cup of red bean, on the longer short point. I told my mother to see the results, stroked my mother said: "get the small sprouts on and, like children, who absorbed many of the nutrition, will grow high and intelligent, you can not picky eaters, and Oh, many want to eat. "

Fourth day:

Mung bean sprouts grow higher, and two leaves to expand fully Shu, just like two bar girl green bow, the wind is dancing, it is really beautiful dance intoxicated.

Through this time, species of beans, really let me grow a lot of insight.
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