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Duran Duran的《Skin Trade》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 22:04



热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 06:03

歌曲名:Skin Trade
歌手:Duran Duran
专辑:The Singles Box 1986 - 1995

Skin Trade (Radio Cut)
Duran Duran
Working on the weekend, baby.
She's working all through the night.
A jump into the deep end gave her
The evidence she required.
Takes five; she's got pearls.
Don't fake it when it comes to making money.
So she smiles. But that's cruel.
If you know what she thinks
If you knew what she was after.
Sometimes she wonders,
And she laughs in her frustration.
Would someone please explain
The reason for this strange behaviour.
In exploitation's name
We must be working for the Skin Trade.
Doctors of the revolution gave us
The medicine we desired.
Besides being absolutely painless
It's a question of compromise.
They got steel.
So cool to get angry at the weekend
And go back to school.
So big deal; it's what rules.
When it comes to making money,
Say yes, please; thank you.
Sometimes you wonder, and ask yourself the question.
Would someone please explain
The reason for this strange behaviour.
In exploitation's name
We must be working for the Skin Trade.
I know the answer, but I'm asking you the question.
Would someone please explain
The reason for this strange behaviour.
In exploitation's name
We must be working for the Skin Trade.
Would someone please explain
The reason for this strange behaviour.
In exploitation's name
We must be working for the Skin Trade.

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