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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 22:20



热心网友 时间:2022-04-27 19:29


  首先,进入paypal的首页,点击Sign Up for your Free paypal Account注意,这时会是美国会员的注册页面,你要先按顶部的International Account Registration 选择你的国籍,才到国际用户的申请表格。
First Name Last Name
  名 姓

  Street Address
  City State / Province / Region*
  城市 省

  Postal Code* Country
  邮政编码 国籍

  Country of which you are a citizen

  Home Telephone (country code first) Work Telephone* (country code first)
  家庭电话,中国为86开头 工作电话,同左

  Email Address (this will be your login name) Confirm Email Address
  电子邮箱 确认电子邮箱

  Your password must be at least 8 characters and is case sensitive.
  Create password Confirm Password
  密码(8位以上) 确认密码

  Select Security Question 1 Answer 1
  找回密码问题1 答案1

  Select Security Question 2 Answer 2
  找回密码问题2 答案2
  If you forget your password, we will ask you for the answers to your security questions.

  As a security measure, please enter the characters you see in the box on the left into the box on the right. (The characters are not case sensitive.) Help?
  这里显示随机字母 填写左边显示的字母

  Would you like this to be a Premier Account? Yes No 是否成为高级会员,建议选noGet all of our premium features for a low fee of just 1.9% + 30¢ (blended rate) on incoming payments.

  Click here to indicate that you have read and agree to the terms of use.Please note that in order to send, receive, or withdraw money with PayPal, you will need to register and confirm a credit or debit card.打勾表示同意规则

  *Optional field 按下发送
  发送后会下一页会要求输入Master卡或Visa卡的资料,如你没有,可在这里打住不继续。过一会儿您的邮箱会收到确认信,要将提供其中链接打开,再输入密码即可确认成功。 等您申请好卡后可登录进账号,进入左下角Add credit card填写信息即可激活账号。

热心网友 时间:2022-04-27 20:47


  首先,进入Paypal的首页,点击Sign Up for your Free PayPal Account注意,这时会是美国会员的注册页面,你要先按顶部的International Account Registration 选择你的国籍,才到国际用户的申请表格。下面为中英文对照,必须要用英文或拼音填写 First Name Last Name
  名 姓

  Street Address
  City State / Province / Region*
  城市 省

  Postal Code* Country
  邮政编码 国籍

  Country of which you are a citizen

  Home Telephone (country code first) Work Telephone* (country code first)
  家庭电话,中国为86开头 工作电话,同左

  Email Address (this will be your login name) Confirm Email Address
  电子邮箱 确认电子邮箱

  Your password must be at least 8 characters and is case sensitive.
  Create password Confirm Password
  密码(8位以上) 确认密码

  Select Security Question 1 Answer 1
  找回密码问题1 答案1

  Select Security Question 2 Answer 2
  找回密码问题2 答案2
  If you forget your password, we will ask you for the answers to your security questions.

  As a security measure, please enter the characters you see in the box on the left into the box on the right. (The characters are not case sensitive.) Help?
  这里显示随机字母 填写左边显示的字母

  Would you like this to be a Premier Account? Yes No 是否成为高级会员,建议选noGet all of our premium features for a low fee of just 1.9% + 30¢ (blended rate) on incoming payments.

  Click here to indicate that you have read and agree to the terms of use.Please note that in order to send, receive, or withdraw money with PayPal, you will need to register and confirm a credit or debit card.打勾表示同意规则

  *Optional field 按下发送
  发送后会下一页会要求输入Master卡或Visa卡的资料,如你没有,可在这里打住不继续。过一会儿您的邮箱会收到确认信,要将提供其中链接打开,再输入密码即可确认成功。 等您申请好卡后可登录进账号,进入左下角Add credit card填写信息即可激活账号。
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