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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-22 23:46



热心网友 时间:2024-01-14 13:02

Four letter word just to get me along
It's a difficulty and i'm biting on my tongue and I
I keep stalling, keeping me together
People around gotta find something to say now

Holding back, everyday the same
Don't wanna be a loner
Listen to me, oh no
I never say anything at all
But with nothing to consider they forget my name
(ame, ame, ame)

They call me 'hell'
They call me 'Stacey'
They call me 'her'
They call me 'Jane'
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name

They call me 'quiet girl'
But i'm a riot
Maybe 'Joleisa'
Always the same
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name

I miss the catch if they through me the ball
I'm the last kid standing up against the wall
Keep up, falling, these heels they keep me boring
Getting glammed up and sitting on the fence now

So alone all the time at night
Lock myself away
Listen to me, i'm not
Although i'm dressed up, out and all with
Everything considered they forget my name
(ame, ame, ame)

They call me 'hell'
They call me 'Stacey'
They call me 'her'
They call me 'Jane'
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name

They call me 'quiet girl'
But i'm a riot
Maybe 'Joleisa'
Always the same
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name

Are you calling me darling?
Are you calling me bird?
Are you calling me darling?
Are you calling me bird?

...continues with chorus overlapping
虹口区东余杭路541弄算几号地块?12年下半年号称要拆,附近都在拆类,明... 我想知道新建路东余杭路这二年有没有拆迁规划? 手机通话变声器哪种好 变声器哪个好用 我准备7月底开始复习考研,还来得及吗 大四下学期考研还来得及吗 考研还来得及吗 ...在脊椎骨右边靠脊椎骨附近疼,是什么原因,大概有半个多月了,弯腰时... 电脑开着总是无缘无故蓝屏提示 电脑开着总是无缘无故蓝屏 电脑无缘无故蓝屏怎么回事探究电脑突然蓝屏的原因 沈阳哪有学吉他的学习班 ...苹果系统运行内存显示是8g运行内存,怎么到Windows7系统显示只有4g运 ... 三代名爵6可以用手机控制车吗 网盘流畅播放是什么意思 dhc香皂洗脸会不会很干 安利和DHC.哪个香皂洗脸好吗?好用吗? 隔多长可以用dhc香皂洗脸 2009年国际烟花节就是2009年浏阳花炮节是什么时候啊 请问2010年浏阳花炮节具体是什么时候举行 内存性能、CPU性能、显卡性能、硬盘容量哪个重要 电脑显卡重要还是硬盘重要? 电脑要想玩游戏不卡,性能好,。。。是靠显卡,还是硬盘 电脑玩的很流畅不卡顿,需要的是显卡好还是硬盘好还是cpu好呢? 好显卡重要还是好硬盘重要 名爵6遥控钥匙有什么隐藏功能 认识键盘快捷键:PrtscrsysrQ、scro11Lock键功能的使用。 2022年高考英语作文评分细则 有哪些评分规则 2022高考英语作文万能句型带翻译 2022高考英语作文怎么写 经典范文欣赏 名爵六车钥匙三个按键功能- 问一问 “那不是我的名字”这句话的英文是 ...还有名字但是那不是我的名字 点进去就是自己的名字了? tingtings的that not my name 歌词我不会英语。谁用中文把歌词读出来... ...love you j.Y.但是那不是我的名字。而且签名是:原来我苦 名爵5钥匙有隐藏功能吗 沈阳沈河区哪有学吉他的? 沈阳想学唱歌学吉他去哪里 用在你……他造句 沈阳哪里有教电吉他的? 像机器人的黑白色点读笔叫什么品牌 读书需用意一字值千金的注释。 解压密码错误? 值千金前面一句是什么 扬眉吐气是啥意思是什么 橄榄油的橄榄特征 茄子煲是怎样做的 电话订火车票最多可提前几天? 急求权吉浩的《长短组合》和《浏阳河》的钢琴谱! 求王建中版《浏阳河》钢琴谱~直接上传就好~谢谢啦 给宝宝买渝快保可以吗