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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-16 16:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:45

A Little Vigilante Safeguarding Our Health —— A Diary

Monday, Sept. 1st, 2014, Sunny

Today is the first day of our 2014 school year, and I was one of the ten students on a special ty: The Little Vigilantes of Health (LVH). Our responsibilities involved checking at the school gate to make sure that the dress code was observed, which included proper school uniform and shoes, the right tying of the red scarves, and the removal of hats and sunglasses. As the LVH, we were also required to make sure that everyone had brought along a small cup for his / her water consumption, so that the students could drink boiled water rather than a cold one from the taps.

In addition to that, we were checking the fingernails were trimmed and no chewing gums. We were to stop those students who played football in the corridors and classrooms to prevent hurting people and breaking window glasses. The teachers smiled at us, all schoolmates respected us. We were very happy that day, thought were also a bit tired at the end.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:45

On the other hand, the commercial centers will distract students’ attention from their study. The shop, the theater and other shops have built in some campus, it makes the students can’t focus their minds, they just want to finish their class and then go shopping. The original purpose has been forgotten by the students.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:46

心理咨询师培训怎么收费标准是多少 2024心理咨询师培训费用是多少钱 心理咨询师培训费用大概是多少 心理咨询师培训课程收费标准 新蒙迪欧空调怎么用? 福特蒙迪欧16款2.0T冷车启动怠速会一抖一抖的是什么情况 牛油果冻了还能吃不 牛油果冻过了能吃吗 泰兴人很有钱吗? 江苏有多少百万人口以上的城市 指甲前端肉和指甲分离是什么原因 张掖大佛寺港澳通行证可以买票吗 张掖旅游攻略必去景点路线图 傲霜凌雪是什么意思 没交社保算不算基层工作经验 没交社保算不算参加工作时间 辗怎么读音是什么 我们是...的,我不是....,我懂的....造句 用 我们是什么,多么怎么样;我们是什么,多么怎么样 造句 ‘总有人相濡以沫二十年,却输给天真或妖冶的一张脸 ’ 这句话什么意思 形容,那张天真妖冶的脸,啥意思? 梦见差点失火了着火了自己拿扫子扫着救火? 只有还还怎么造句 只有.还.怎么造句 怎么降低台式机的噪音? 央视的语录有哪些啊? 是微风是晚霞出自哪里 那就让我们相约在不久的将来是朗读者第几期 那就让我们相约 在不久的将来 谁唱的 西游记经典歇后语 英语作文,内容大概是一家人到餐厅点菜的过程~~~急求~~ 建行手机银行注销后再开通还收费吗 请问建设银行注销手机银行,再开通是否收费 农行手机银行注销了在开通收不收费 开通了工商银行的网上银行、电话银行、手机银行以后会收费吗?如果要,怎样注销? 注销中行网银理财版和注销中行电话银行需要手续费吗? 我的网银开通了手机银行和短信提醒,现在我在网上直接把网银注销了,那手机银行和短信提醒还收费不 2010年工行开通手机wap银行收费么! 苹果6系统还原后开不开机怎么办 网站店铺的车图是什么?怎么做 想买个家用数码相机该怎么选 我想买一款数码相机,自己家庭用,价格不超过1500元!请大家推荐几款~ 教案课标要求一栏怎么写 明日方舟干员排行最新2022 荆江分洪工程的荆江分洪工程纪念碑 7点45分的中怎么画 盛大传奇为什么容易关服 为什么听说传奇世界关服盛大终于到闭 热血传奇不是已经关服了么?怎么还有官网?还有人玩啊? 盛大传奇为什么没人玩了 ?