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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-17 04:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:42

Things have their own unique views of the great independent thinking, and not a closed mind. Dedicated to the pursuit of a victory, no matter how difficult the situation, less than last moment absolutely will not give up.

Teams from each indivial should be unique and complementary knowledge and skills with the combination of the collective Chaojue indivial capacity. With the idea, it was the scheme, the implementation, coordination of different people to work with the people to oversee the progress of the team, evaluate the progress of work in one team. We specific team in a role as what should be done by the expertise and capacity of our size decision.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:42

Have one's own unique opinions on the things, is good at thinking independently, but does not stubbornly adhere one's opinion. Have persistent pursuit to the victory, no matter how difficult the situation is, can never give up at moment while less than the ending.
Collective with unique indivial ability which the group should combine and become by each indivial's unique and complementary knowledge skill. Idea man, the person that someone worked out a scheme, the person implementing it, coordinate the person who different persons worked together, go, supervise person of progress that group work, think group working people of progress. It should be by our speciality and all kinds of decision of the ability what kind of a role we serve as concretely the group.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:43


Has unique views on things, is able to think independently but does not stubbornly adhere to one's own opinions. No matter how difficult the situation can be, is persevere to pursue victory and does not give up till the very last moment.

A team should be a group of unique, complementary knowledge and skills combined together that forms superior indivial ability. People who have ideas, people who make plans, people who put these into action, people who organises different people to work together cooperatively, people who supervises the progress of teamwork, people who supervise and evaluate the progress of teamwork. And the roles we play specificly in a team should be judged on our expertises and abilities.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:43

是Things have their own unique views of the great independent thinking, and not a closed mind. Dedicated to the pursuit of a victory, no matter how difficult the situation, less than last moment absolutely will not give up.

Teams from each indivial should be unique and complementary knowledge and skills with the combination of the collective Chaojue indivial capacity. With the idea, it was the scheme, the implementation, coordination of different people to work with the people to oversee the progress of the team, evaluate the progress of work in one team. We specific team in a role as what should be done by the expertise and capacity of our size decision.
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