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有一首节奏感很强英文歌有一句歌词是come on 摔,糊呃river,适合做跳舞做热身运动的,叫什

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-15 09:36



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 22:27

Purple Lamborghini (Explicit) (《X特遣队》电影插曲) - Skrillex/Rick Ross
Written by:Rick Ross

Biggest boss and I been the trillest

I'm a bigger problem when I click with Skrillex

Murder on my mind it's time to pray to god

My revolver is that religion's the revolution's bond

You wanna know my name then go and tell them Sarg

You wanna know my gang suicide squad

Pistol on my waist I might make a mistake

Dead shot head shot oh my god am I crazy

Drugs every corner this is Gotham city

Killer Croc came to kidnap you to cut out your kidney

Ain't no mercy got that purple Lamborghini lurkin'

Rozay don't you know that pussy worth it

Flooded Rolex at the Grammy awards

They still sellin' dope that's those Miami boys

Killers everywhere it ain't no place to run

Forgive me for my wrongs I have just begun

Ain't no mercy a ain't no mercy

Got that purple Lamborghini purple Lamborghini lurkin'

Ain't no mercy a ain't no mercy

Got that purple Lamborghini lurking

Don't be beggin' for your life cause that's a lost cause

High stakes body armor suicide boy

There's a time for games and there's a time to kill

Make up your mind baby there's no time to chill

Capital murder capital lettuce

Yeah she catchin' my vibe but can't fathom my cheddar

Need a couple gang members for these new endeavors

From this point on whenever we do we do together

Body on the corner million in the trunk

Seven figures I will spend that every other month

Killers on the corner talons in the clip

Villa Palisade and Paris just to fill with bitches

Say my name and I'm coming with the gun squad

Everybody runnin' homie there's only one god

Cocaine white Ferrari I'm in the fast lane

Every day was life and death that's when the cash came

Count money drug resie even blood on 'em

He had a driver 'til I put my cause on it

Kicking in the dope boy suicide squad

Needle in my arm so I'm do or die for it

Ain't no mercy a ain't no mercy

Got that purple Lamborghini purple Lamborghini lurkin'

Ain't no mercy a ain't no mercy

Got that purple Lamborghini lurkin' Rozay





Cash money
Dope boy

Rap money

Real hip

Forgive me for my wrongs I have just begun

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