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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-16 06:01



热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 19:02

The age of credit card
Thanks to the prevalence of online banking, financial institutions such as banks and other business bodies are able to issue credit cards to their customers which grant them the power of making purchases without any real cash in their bank accounts as long as the repayments are done on time at the end of the term. And because of this unique advantage of allowing people to access their income in advance, credit cards have become increasingly appeal to young population especially college students. However, one thing should be borne in mind is that while we enjoy the conveniences of credit cards, the risks associated with it should never be neglected.

To use credit card wisely, we better start from looking at the pros and cons of its usage. The most obvious asset of using credit cards is its boosted purchasing power which allow you to overcome geographical barriers by paying goods and services via telephone, mail or internet. On the other hand, it can also easily spoil us into develope a bad habit of overspending as it is way too easy to lose track of how much money you actually used if every payment is completed by simply swiping your card.

So in my opinion, whether it is beneficial for a college student to apply for a credit card should be based on indivial circumstances. Those people who can control their spending stringently are definitely encouraged to obtain a credit card while those who lack of self discipline should take careful consideration before doing so.
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