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How to handle stress?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-28 01:18



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 05:07

Are you worried about the increasing price of gas?
Are you comfuzed about your future?
Are you fretting about your next month's house rent?
Are you studying or working too hard to relax yourself?
Are you under a hard-handling boss who makes your blood pressure high everyday?

In the city full of competition, everyone may has his own preesure more or less. Howerer, pressure is a kind of resistance, and a kind of power as well, it depends on how you deal with it.
Normal pressure is a motive power, overpressure will do a harm to you.
Don't treat this unimportant.
When the pressure begin to partly change your life style , such as, less communication with other people, easier to get angry, more captious, or some changes on taste,weight and sleeping...
You should really consider if you have too much pressure.
If you are offered some time, space and measures to relieve this pressure, your pressure will be relieved in this spacial surrouding.This good feeling will soon extend to every other part of your life.

Ask yourself:
How long haven't you listened your favorite record, or stood by the window for a hour?
How long haven't you gone down the street or brought some new clothes?
How long haven't you enjoyed the dinner with families at weekends?
"Being buzy like this, what the hell am I buzying on?"

If you are thinking about these questions, I have to tell you

The following ways may work: shopping,listening to the music, have a hot bath, deep breathe, take a massage, lying in the sofa, lying in, go outdoor or plan a trip if you have time .
And ,something don't do: no reminding, no compelling, no fretting.

It's impossible to live without pressure, you should control your pressure level.

We needn't to be oppressive or impatient. Don't torment or unhinge yourself. We should deal with the Enemy Pressure methodically and reasonably.

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