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这段怎么翻译啊 求高手指教

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-30 00:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 07:51

A lot of scholar angle in teleology, angle of culture analyze film interpreter of name, through concrete case analysis, proceed with film characteristic and function of name in order to improve the translation model of the name after putting forward relevant criteria and suggestions, analyze English film name main tactics that Chinese translate, carry on the discussion to various tactics of pluses and minuseses, point out Chinese of the film name of English is translated and should take realizing function of the name as the principle, employ various methods ingeniously and flexibly. Analyze, compare mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan translation similarities and differences and corresponding characteristic of translation of tactics of three places, point out different social culture background to lead to the fact name appear main reason of difference.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 07:51

On the purpose of many scholars in the perspective of cultural perspective of the film titles in translation, through specific case studies, by the relevant guidelines and recommendations to improve the title translation model from the film titles starting with the features and functions, the analysis English Translation of the major film titles strategy, and the advantages and disadvantages of various strategies were discussed, pointing out that the Chinese translation of English film titles to achieve the title should be the function of the principle of flexible application of ingenious ways. Comparative analysis of the mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the translation of the three strategies of the similarities and differences and translation of the corresponding characteristics that different social and cultural background is leading to a discrepancy between the main title
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