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高分悬赏 翻译一段中文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-01 04:17



热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 14:08

Accelerating the construction of the new country has become one of the important task of the eleventh "5-year plan". However, the supply of public goods in rural areas and burden caused by it have become the problem which stand in the way of building socilist new country.China has long been oprated two policies in supplying public goods.One is to supply urban public facilities by the government, another is to solve the problem of rural public goods by farmers themslves while the government providing proper subsidies. It is the situation, which caused the shortage of rural public goods and the burden on the farmers, limited the rural development and construction of new country. Therefore, the paper will start from the states quo of supplying of rural public goods,and point at the way of rece the burden of farmers by analyzing the present state in oeder to bring about the proper solution.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 14:08


热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 14:09

Accelerate the construction of a new socialist countryside, has become China's "11th Five-Year" development plan one of the major tasks. However, the supply of public goods in rural areas and the resulting loss of the burden on peasants has become a haunt us build socialist new countryside by the disease Guitar in. China has long been in the supply of public goods, has implemented two sets of policy that urban public infrastructure provided by the state; Rural public goods supply farmers mainly rely on its own resolve, the state only give appropriate subsidies. It is on the basis of this situation, and our rural public of the general shortage of procts, increasing the burden on farmers. thus seriously hampering the rural development and new rural construction. In this paper from the supply of public goods in rural areas of the present situation, to rece the burden on peasants as the end result. targeted to the empirical analysis of the status quo and propose solutions to problems options.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 14:09

Quickly the socialism new village constuct, having become our country"15" development programming of one of the important missions.However, the village public proct supplies imperfection and results in from here of the farmer burden have become to perplex the knot disease that we establish the socialism new village place.For long time, the our country supplies in the public proct up practice two sets of policies, namely the city public infrastructure be provided by nation;The public article of village supplies to mainly be solved by farmer oneself, the nation gives only appropriate subsidy.But is exactly according to this kind of condition, result in the our country village public proct of widespread missing, the farmer burden aggravates, thus serious check and supervision village development with new village construction. For this, this text supplies from the village public proct of the present condition set out, taking lightenning farmer burden as to stop for a rest a point, having already aimed at sex ground to carry on substantial evidence analysis to the present condition, and put forward a problem-solving appropriate project.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 14:10

Accelerating the Socialistic New Village Construction has become one of the most important missions of the development program of the Eleventh Five Year.However,the scarcity of village public procts supply and the consequent farmer,s financial burden have remained obstacles in Our Socialistic New Village Construction.For a long time,we have implemented two policies in the village public procts supply.Namely,the government provides the city,s public utilities and the farmers solve the problem of village public procts supply mostlyly by themselves (the government pays them a little subsidy).Because of this situation , the village public procts supply becomes commmonly scarce and the farmers are financially over-burdened,which seriously stumbles the village development and the Construction of the New Village.So,this article is mainly about the analysis of the present state and some reasonable solutions on the basis of the present situation of the village public procts supply and financially-unburdening of the farmers.
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