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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-05 13:37



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 19:08

I am currently studying for a master's degree in Operational Research at X University in Japan, e to graate in September. (关于taisha等中国论坛的可以删掉,多余了) My interests lie primarily in systems research. I have perused the course offerings and faculty research interests on the departmental website and am interested in applying for a PhD(应该是该系网站吧?), though have not yet taken the GRE (要是说还没'pass',就表示你fail了,不及格,哪有这么说的). I was wondering when the deadline for Spring 2011 admissions might be and what the typical stipend for a PhD student might be?

说你对systems方面感兴趣,你可以同时drop几个名字,比如I am particularly interested in Professor X's work in...要‘联系导师’的话可以直接给教授写email,但是不要问教授GRE,截止日期等问题。

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 19:08

At present,majoring in the mathematics at **University in Japan,I am reading up the master's operational research,and I will finish my studies in the coming September.Someone shared the doctor's admissions information of your department on the taisha and the gter.Just a moment ago,I carefully read something on the website,namely the ****,and I came to understand the settings of the courses as well as the research direction of each teacher,as a result,I find that I am interested in the systems' research.At present,I've not attended the Graate Record Examination.Therefore,I wonder the deadline of the spring application for admission in the year 2011.And how much expenses support can I get of I were admitted.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 19:09


I am pursuing my Master’s degree program majoring in Operations Research in Mathematics Dept.,×× University, Japan, and will be graated in Sep. this year. Someone shared the recruitment information for doctor’s degree of your Department at taisha and gter. Just now I read carefully the contents shown at the Web site (http://……) ,and got knowledge of the curriculum setup and the research orientations of all the professors. I am interested very much in the orientation, Systems. Now I have no GRE scores. I want to know what the deadline for applying spring admission 2011 is? If I could be admitted, how much financial support is generally available for me?

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 19:10

At present,majoring in the mathematics at **University in Japan,I am reading up the master's operational research,and I will finish my studies in the coming September.Someone shared the doctor's admissions information of your department on the taisha and the gter.Just a moment ago,I carefully read something on the website,namely the ****,and I came to understand the settings of the courses as well as the research direction of each teacher,as a result,I find that I am interested in the systems' research.At present,I've not attended the Graate Record Examination.Therefore,I wonder the deadline of the spring application for admission in the year 2011.And how much expenses support can I get of I were admitted.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 19:10

It it hoped that the answe as below will give you a help on English learning.
I am now in Japan, Department of Mathematics, Reading XX Operations research master's degree, graating in September this year. Someone taisha and gter share your enrollment information, Dr. Department. Just now, I carefully read about web site (http:// ..) on the content of the curriculum and understand what each teacher's research, I am more interested in systems research direction. I do not have GRE scores. I would like to know, in spring 2011 admission application deadline is when? If you can be admitted, how much funding is generally available?
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