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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-03 10:30



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 05:30

Totel Eolipse of the heart 这是格雷戈演话剧试音时唱的
More than I can do 这是插曲,多个场景都有
Never Miss A Beat 这个小胖子不跟他一起,他去找那个不讲卫生的同学时放的
HOT 这个是片尾曲

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 05:30

片尾曲Forever The Sickest Kids - What Do You Want From Me

I don't wanna waste my time again
Like getting wasted with so-called friends
'Cause they don't know me
But they pretend to be part of my social scenery
And hey, maybe I'm a critic, a cynic
Or am I jaded? Or am I afraid of it?
'Cause it's dragging me down
It's bumming me out
It's making my head spin round and round

Can you say hey!
Can you say oh!
That's right, what do you want from me?
Can you say hey!
Can you say oh!
That's right, what do you want from me?
I get the feeling we're on to something
I say jump and you start jumping
Can you say hey!
Can you say oh!
That's that, now what do you want from me?

Just another day in the life for me
It's 3am and I can't sleep
And I've been thinking that we've been drinking
In hopes to maintain our sanity
And hey, maybe I'm a critic, a cynic
Or am I crazy? Do they all hate me?
'Cause they pick me up and throw me down
It's making my head spin round and round

Can you say hey!
Can you say oh!
That's right, what do you want from me?
Can you say hey!
Can you say oh!
That's right, what do you want from me?
I get the feeling we're on to something
I say jump and you start jumping
Can you say hey!
Can you say oh!
That's that, now what do you want from me?

Everything that I do
It's never good enough for you
I do my best
Dress to impress
Wear my heart out of my chest
Going no where fast
I don't know where I'm at
When I say jump and you start jumping
Hey! We're onto something

Can you say hey!
Can you say oh!
That's right, what do you want from me?
Can you say hey!
Can you say oh!
That's right, what do you want from me?
I get the feeling we're on to something
I say jump and you start jumping
Can you say hey!
Can you say oh!
That's that, now what do you want from me?


Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
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