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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-03 23:27



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 05:48

(When I have been turly searching for my treasure, )I have discovered things along the way that i never would have seen had i not had the courage to try things that seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve had I not had the courage 相当于if I had not had the courage (When I have been turly searching for my treasure, )I have discovered things along the way that i never would have seen if I had not had the courage to try things that seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve 句子主干为 I have discovered things along the way,我沿途发现了事物。(When I have been turly searching for my treasure, )为时间状语从句,加上后译为:在我真心寻找我的财宝过程中,我沿途发现了事物。 that i never would have seen if I had not had the courage to try things that seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve为定语从句,修饰 I have discovered things along the way中的things。这个定语从句中,引导词that作seen的宾语,这个定语从句带条件状语从句if I had not had the courage to try things that seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve,这个if条件状语从句带宾语从句that seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve,that在定语从句中作语。试着从后往前翻译如下: hat seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve一个牧羊人不可能获得的东西 if I had not had the courage to try things that seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve如果我没有勇气去尝试一个牧羊人不可能获得的东西 that i never would have seen if I had not had the courage to try things that seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve如果我没有勇气去尝试一个牧羊人不可能获得的东西,我决不可能看到事物 I have discovered things along the way that i never would have seen if I had not had the courage to try things that seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve在我寻找的路途上,我发现了事物,这是 如果我没有勇气去尝试一个牧羊人不可能获得的东西,我决不可能看到事物。(When I have been turly searching for my treasure, )I have discovered things along the way that i never would have seen if I had not had the courage to try things that seemed impossible for a shepherd to achieve当我真心搜索我的珍宝时, 在我寻找的路途上,我发现了事物,这是 如果我没有勇气去尝试一个牧羊人不可能获得的东西,我决不可能看到事物。以上是个人理解,供参考。一些完成时之类的意思没有细琢磨,也没有体现出。

热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 05:48


be of+抽象名词”,这时的of短语相当于这个名词的同根形容词,作为表语表示主语的性质或特征。of的意思是“具有、具备”等,这个意思是被偷之物具有的是感情价值,而非经济价值。
the stolen items主语
rather than是并列连词
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