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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-19 22:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 21:49

Today is Saturday, morning I finished English course, dad said take me to fly a kite, I was very happy, a noon lunch, we set out
My father and I went to the riverside park, will start to play up the kite. I sat on the lawn, very excited. I will lie down, the sun shines on body warm, that was very uncomfortable. I want to make good friends TianTian also to share the good mood, I picked up the phone and dialed the father of her house number, I tell her, we in the riverside park a kite, let her come and sit and bus we play together.
Not and in a short while, she comes, we will transfer the direction, to go and play up river. There is very fine sand sliding, feels particularly comfortable. In it, we dragged the temptation of the shoes, socks. Light feet run in the sand.
I and TianTian first think dig a trap, but too difficult g, we will put the foot on the sand pit, and put your feet buried, I think it's like the sand treatment, ridiculous as great. We got some of the sand, next to hands and river, the sand on the palm center, sand was immediately blew away the silk, as general, true don't know who is this the daedal hand of.
Four, dad called us back, ah! I really want to play for a while, no way, I have to go back to.......
!!!!!It's interesting, is a happy Saturday!
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