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求 翻译以下句子

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-20 13:39



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 16:33

Improvement of export-oriented enterprises in technological innovation and quality management system. Objectively speaking, in our country the enterprise encounters the trade disputes, in part e to foreign enterprises and government on some pretext occurs, which is also a part of their procts and sales do exist some defects. In our country, and vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade structure transformation and foreign trade enterprises in the background, for China's enterprises, especially export-oriented enterprises, on the one hand to strengthen the R & D investment, improve their level of technical innovation, brand, in the deep processing and high value-added efforts, for the proction of self-developed patented and not technology, must do the rational use of the United States of America, like " 337 clause " investigation, "section 201" survey of trade friction occurred in a large area; on the other hand, the sale of procts shall meet the requirements of the importing country proct quality responsibility system, trade control measures and particular attention should be paid to the importing country set up technical barriers, environmental barriers to trade., beware of the procts are exported to foreign countries but also suffered and return even destroyed e to proct quality is not up to the standard.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 16:33

Export-oriented enterprise technology innovation and perfect quality management system. Objectively speaking, in our country enterprise of trade disputes, has a part is e to foreign enterprises and government in some excuse, and there is also a part of procts and sales are domestic enterprises do exist certain defects. In our country, promote the transformation of foreign trade structure and foreign trade enterprise under the background of transformation and upgrading, for Chinese enterprises, especially export-oriented enterprises, on the one hand must strengthen the research and development input, improve their technology innovation level, in the brand, deep processing and high added value, for the proct in the proction of unable to independent research and development of patents and technology, must be reasonable use, beware of like the "section 337 investigation", "section 201 investigation trade friction area; Proct must conform to the importer, on the other hand, a proct quality responsibility system, especially attention to the technical barriers to trade, the importer by the trade control measures, such as environmental barriers to trade of procts are exported to abroad and in return for below-standard quality or even destroyed.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 16:34

Improvement of export-oriented enterprises in technological innovation and quality management system. Objectively speaking, in our country enterprise of trade disputes, has a part is e to foreign enterprises and government in some excuse, and there is also a part of procts and sales are domestic enterprises do exist certain defects. In our country, and vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade structure transformation and foreign trade enterprises in the background, for China's enterprises, especially export-oriented enterprises, on the one hand to strengthen the R & D investment, improve their level of technical innovation, brand, in the deep processing and high value-added efforts, for the proction of self-developed patented and not technology,must be reasonable use, beware of like the "section 337 investigation", "section 201 investigation trade friction area; Proct must conform to the importer, on the other hand, a proct quality responsibility system, especially attention to the technical barriers to trade, the importer by the trade control measures, such as environmental barriers to trade of procts are exported to abroad and in return for below-standard quality or even destroyed.
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