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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-19 14:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 23:25

I am raising an Alaska dog, which is a large breed of domestic dog. My dog has a double coat:the undercoat is soft while the outer one is coarse and water-proof. Also, his coat hastwo colors, black and white.
In my opinion, his most attractive feature is the small upright ears which are out of proportion to the head. Having had this dog for almost a year, I find him intriguing. He is very smart, so he learns everything quickly. I once taught him how to fetch. Surprisingly enough, he successfully chased and retrieved the object after I tossed it for the second time. He acted as if he had intrinsically understood the game. He is also friendly to everyone,especially children. Whenever someone visits my house, instead of barking, he welcomes them by licking their feet.
For me, my dog is a friend I can play with after school. I often walk him around the park at the weekends and he seems to like this, as there are different dogs there. I also talk with himregularly and I feel that he can understand what I say. As a final point, I hope that my dog can live with me for a long time.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 23:25

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