问答文章1 问答文章501 问答文章1001 问答文章1501 问答文章2001 问答文章2501 问答文章3001 问答文章3501 问答文章4001 问答文章4501 问答文章5001 问答文章5501 问答文章6001 问答文章6501 问答文章7001 问答文章7501 问答文章8001 问答文章8501 问答文章9001 问答文章9501


发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-18 04:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 02:45

是restaurant 餐馆。
1.I won't go to a restallrant tomorrow.
2.Will I go to a restallrant tomorrow?
3.(1).Who will go to a restallrant tomorrow?
(2).Where will you go tomorrow?
(3).What will you do tomorrow?
(4).When will you go to a restaurant?


热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 02:46

I will not(won't) go to a restaurant tomorrow.
Will you go to a restauran tomorrow.
Who will go to a restaurant tomorrow.?
Where will you go tomorrow.?
What will you do tomorrow.?
When will you go to a restaurant ?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 02:46

1. I will not go to a restaurant tomorrow.
2. Will I go to a restaurant tomorrow?
3 - (1) Who will go to a restaurant tomorrow?
3 - (2) Where will I go tomorrow?
3 - (3) What will I do tomorrow?
3 - (4) When will I go to the restaurant?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 02:47

1、I won't go to a restaurant tomorrow.
2、Will I go to a restaurant tomorrow ?
3(1)、Who will go to a restaurant tomorrow?
(2)、Where will I go tomorrow?
(3)What will I do tomorrow?
(4)When will I go to a restaurant?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 02:48

1.I wouldn't go to a restaurant tomorrow
2.will you go to a restaurant tomorrow?
3. (1)who will go to a restaurant tomorrow?
(2)where will you go tomorrow?
(3)what will you do tomorrow?
(4)when you go to a restaurant?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 02:48

1.I won not go to a restallrant tomorrow.
2.Will you go to a restallrant tommorrow?
3.(1)who go to resiallrant tomorrow?
(2) where will you go tomorrow?
(3) 不确定
(4) when will you go to a restallran?

你的resaallran 可能打错了,应为正确的餐厅单词为:restaurant.
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