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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-18 03:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 15:36

巴里·道格拉斯(Barry Douglas)是一位优秀的钢琴家、出色的指挥家,并担任几个音乐节的艺术总监。 巴里·道格拉斯1960年出生在北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特,儿时学习过多种乐器。与其他钢琴家自幼就苦练琴技所不同,道格拉斯直到16岁时才开始主攻钢琴,两年后考入英国皇家音乐学院。由于当时北爱尔兰高水平的音乐演出比较少,来到伦敦后的道格拉斯便如饥似 渴地吮吸着各式各样的音乐文化。他回忆当年在等到一张退票后,走进科文特花园皇家歌剧院观看了瓦格纳的歌剧《女武神》,今天仍然感触颇深:“那个晚上改变了我的一切,音乐中的人声、音乐中伟大的力量,令我感到震撼”。 1983年,巴里·道格拉斯在阿瑟·鲁宾斯坦国际钢琴比赛中赢得第二名,两年后又在第七届范·克莱本国际钢琴大赛中获得季军。在取得一系列优秀的成绩之后,巴里·道格拉斯仍然继续刻苦钻研琴艺,终于在1986年7月摘取第八届柴科夫斯基国际钢琴比赛桂冠,这也是自1958年美国钢琴家范·克莱本夺冠后,28年来第二位获此殊荣的西方钢琴家。巴里·道格拉斯从此蜚声国际乐坛。 巴里·道格拉斯最擅长演奏浪漫派作曲家篇幅宏大的作品,尤其是勃拉姆斯、拉赫玛尼诺夫、柴科夫斯基的作品。同时,他也经常演奏一些较少被搬上舞台的曲目,如雷吉、布里顿、潘德列茨基的作品。 近年来,或弹奏,或指挥,巴里·道格拉斯每年都要举办近百场音乐会。在过去的两个音乐季里,雅尔维指挥 阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅管弦乐团、尤里·特米尔卡诺夫执棒圣彼得堡爱乐乐团,法兰克福交响乐团、慕尼黑交响乐团、 利物浦皇家爱乐乐团、朴恩茅斯交响乐团、英国广播交响乐团、英国广播公司威尔士国家交响乐团等先后与他合作。他还在都柏林、莫斯科、那不勒斯、圣彼得堡、多伦多、日本等地举办钢琴独奏音乐会,受到当地观众的热烈欢迎。评论说“巴里·道格拉斯是一位富有*,充满了丰富想象力的音乐家”。在近日在伦敦举行的一场独奏会后,英国《每日电讯报》评论道:“他的演奏引人瞩目,富有启迪性,同时其中还充满了色彩与变化的亮点”。 巴里·道格拉斯录制了大量优秀的唱片,其中布里顿、德彪西、拉赫玛尼诺夫等作曲家的作品都广受好评。2005年,他与爱尔兰卡梅拉塔室内乐团录制了贝多芬钢琴协奏曲全集。 不久前,道格拉斯出任在曼彻斯特举办的2006国际钢琴艺术节艺术总监,其间他与多位艺术家一起弹奏了莫扎特的全部钢琴协奏曲,以纪念这位伟大的作曲家诞辰250周年。 由于巴里·道格拉斯在音乐方面所作的巨大贡献,2002年,他荣获“大英帝*官勋章”。现在,他与家人定居在巴黎。 Barry Douglas The pianist Barry Douglas is equally comfortable as concerto performer, recitalist, chamber musician, conctor and festival director; he is a passionate and imaginative musician. Barry Douglas was born in 1960 in Belfast of Northern Ireland. And he had learned many kinds of instruments in his childhood. It’s difference from others, when Barry Douglas paid attention to piano he had been already 16 years old.In 1978, he studied piano at the Royal Conservatory of Britain. Arrived London, once he managed to get slips tickets to Covent Garden to see Wagner’s Die Walkure concted by Gotz Friedrich. He remembered after several years:”That evening changed everything for me: the voice, the power of music — I was deeply affected.” In 1983, Douglas won the runner-up at the Arturo Rubinstein International Piano Competition. After two years, at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition he won the third place. In 1986, Barry Douglas won the Gold Medal at the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition in Moscow, it’s for the second time the gold metal was won by pianist from western country since Van Cliburn in 1958. Then he began to enjoy a major international career which has developed worldwide. He is known for his performances of the large-scale Romantic repertoire, particularly Brahms, Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky and he also excels in less familiar repertoire such as those by Reger, Britten, Corigliano and Penderecki. Nowadays, Barry Douglas holds almost 100 concerts per year, either as a pianist or a conctor.Highlights of the past two seasons include his debut on subscription with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and Paavo Jrvi (he returns to the Concertgebouw this season with Ivan Fischer), Dallas Symphony / Alsop, Ulster Orchestra / Fischer, St Petersburg Philharmonic / Yuri Temirkanov, Sydney Symphony / Simone Young, Frankfurt Radio, Munich Radio, RAI Torino, Netherlands Radio Symphony and several UK appearances with the Halle Orchestra, the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, the Bournemouth Symphony, the BBC Philharmonic and BBC National Orchestra of Wales. He also toured Europe and the US in recital with visits to Dublin, Moscow, Naples, Palermo, St Petersburg, Seville, Torino, Zagreb, an extensive tour in the USA and, at the end of last season, a tour of Japan. Recently, Barry Douglas is the new Artistic Director of the 2006 International Piano Festival to be held at Bridgewater Hall, Manchester(21—26 March). In the festival, he and specially chosen pianist colleagues were playing all of Mozart’s piano concertos. Founded in 2000, the festival is one of the world's foremost expositions of the piano with a proven track-record for spectacular and innovative projects developed in association with the Bridgewater Hall's three resident orchestras the Hallé, BBC Philharmonic and Manchester Camerata. Barry Douglas received the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2002 New Year’s Honours List for services to music. He has houses in Paris and Lurgan and he is married with three young children. After a recent London recital, The Daily Telegraph wrote "his playing here served as a reminder of a style that is gripping but at the same time shot through with perceptive touches of colour and inflection."
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